Luscious leeks are trouble-free crops with a long harvest period that can extend right through winter.
Leeks need a long growing season but the end result is worth it – big, beautiful plants that withstand cold weather and can be harvested when there’s not much else available.
In this short video we’ll show you how to grow leeks every step of the way: from sowing and transplanting through to that magical moment they’re lifted out of the ground and transformed in the kitchen.
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interesting and useful I'm growing leeks right now their only a about 3-5 cm right now so I'm a little while from planting them out
which thanks to you video I'm not going to do to soon now
4:35. Look after your leeks and they'll love you back!
Can you plant leeks if there is a chance of frost ?
I'm new to growing leeks, I bought a punnet of seedlings today, they're all quite tiny. After watching this video I think I should probably up pot them all for now and let them grow stronger and larger before putting them in the ground. It's the first month of autumn here in Australia (Canberra) so I think I have time to do that before the really cold weather hits. I'm fairly new to vegetable gardening, I guess I will learn more as the years go by. Thanks for a great video.
9 cm x 60 cm is also posible if you want to grow a large amount
Very nice video! Your explanation was very clear, thanks for that!
Culinary tips:
1- I love salty fried leeks with roasted (or even raw) salmon!
2- Just try fired leeks (with salt), walnuts and a pint of beer as a snack! Delicious!
Let me know what you think about
I sowed indoors in January. Here it is April and they haven't grown at all since sprouting size, although green and healthy. I don't get it. They've been fertilized and kept moist.
Wish I had a tip to share, but I do it the exact same way as you detailed, and I always get amazing results. I guess the only thing I could suggest that most folks already know.. if you choose to get a headstart with leek plant starts, Dixondale farms sells Lancelot Leek starts that are hearty and delicious, and affordable to buy. Cheers!
Great stuff.
Informative video. I thought a load of grass had invaded my leek seedlings at first. Good to know that the blades of grass I see are actually the seedlings themselves.
… But honestly, who the hell buys an implement solely for the purpose of poking holes in soil?. Honestly – that's the most ridiculous, absurdly consumerist and pointlessly wasteful thing i've seen today. And i'm immersed in an entire society based upon those qualities.
Even when we humans are involving ourselves in nature, we remain stubbornly disconnected from it.
Ever heard of a stick? They literally grow on trees.
I’m in Australia, and a new/intermediate level gardener whom is 90% reliant on pots and containers to grow anything (small unit). I’ve sort of been timid to try onions of any sort, had some bad experiences with bunching/spring onions and shied away from them after. I’ve recently become interested with trialling leeks as a experiment. But I will probably do this in September when it’s spring here in Oz. Also trialing garlic and ginger this year. My fingers are crossed.
I found this video informative and enjoyable. I find most of my guides for veg growing are from mostly English or USA based gardening YouTubers. Keep up the great content
I planted leeks last year, in Canada, which never got to harvestable size. This year some are a metre tall x only 12mm thick with buds on top. Should I cut the buds off or let them flower?
What is the software you're using in this video?
Hatsune miku taking notes rn
I'm wondering how heat tolerant leeks are? I have a tray of seedlings almost ready to plant out, but I'm worried they won't make it through the summer here. Top temps during peak summer can get up to 38C! Great videos, really enjoy them..
i`m growing leeks 2 types, theyre about 10 inches long now, but flopping over, is this bad?
Awesome video, thank you!! I planted little leek seedlings about a month ago but did not did a proper hole like the how you've shown. Would it be best to dig them up (I only have about 15) and dig deeper or should I just put tubes around them now?
Thank you.
A Yank here attempting to grow leeks in the U.S. I have much to learn. I sowed seed straight into the ground in late May, and so far they are up about 3 inches and big around as a pencil lead. At this rate they might be the size of a ballpoint pen by the time we get snow
Do you have a video on shallots? I know nothing about them or how to grow. Advice?

Buy leek seed in bulk at 2lbs it’s very cheap. American flag leeks are awesome
Whats the App name at 1.15 ?
Hello, My leeks haven't really done much growing at all this year. They are just now starting to take off and it is August! They are still thin and spindly. Can I leave them in the ground through the fall/winter to harvest later? I am in USDA zone 5b.
I'm having a go at growing St George Leeks which are an early variety and I'm in Australia. I am a foodie first, so Leek is like garden royalty to me and my kitchen. Last season I grew Leeks in a clump as they came out of the seedling container. This season, I am going to separate them and plant them out individually. I will definitely try not to backfill the holes and let the water do the work. Wish me luck! Cheers!
I'm starting leeks for the first time ever. From the looks of it they are less care free then regular bulb onions. Im trying to figure out what grows best in my soil n stick with that. So far Collard Greens and Summer Squashed n sweet peppers do amazing in my soil.
I have some Leeks in mini greenhouses to start and they have become very long and very leggy. How can I manage them to start growing stringer and healthier? They are far from being ready to be potted out of the greenhouse. Many thanks!
Fantastic video, thank you!
So I keep coming back to this awesome video. First at the oh let's learn. Then at the which leek seeds should I buy step. And every step along the way. Right now I'm planting up. Thank you for this amazing information.
I want to start leeks in a seed tray. Should it be fairly deep? Or deeper than most seed trays?
Have been enjoying the leeks I started last August all winter,and am still enjoying them as they come ready to eat.