May 28, 2024

VIDEO: Harvesting Organically Grown Beans From Our Indoor Garden!

We are inside today with a harvest video! We are picking beans from our indoor organic grow bed. The yields were really decent for indoors and the size of some of them were equal to anything outdoors! Very happy with the results and for a hobbiest it was a blast.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Organically Grown Beans From Our Indoor Garden!

  1. I noticed that there was some yellowing of the leaves. What exactly was that? I was starting to grow some beans indoors at home and saw a bit of those marks and was wondering what exactly it was.

  2. Those plants look pretty dang good to me. Something that just occurred to me is that it seems there would be no pest problems when growing indoors.
    Sorry about your grandmother but glad all is well otherwise.

  3. i live in lower michigan,at first we had temperatures that were like 50,60 degress now yesterday it was like 30 and it snowed when do i start my garden

  4. Nice work. Beans wouldn't be my first choice to grow under lights, but I will occasionally toss a few beans in my house plants to fix a little nitrogen in the pots. I bet your beans would do even better in a deeper container with some sandier growing medium.

  5. In regards to indoor pollination- last season I saw houseflies pollinating my swamp milkweed. Seriously(I never knew that houseflies were pollinators)! I also wonder if butterflies can be artificially selected for remaining active indoors over the winter months as part of a larger indoor garden Eco system. If they flew outside they'd freeze, though 🙁 Hmmm…

  6. how difficult was it to hand pollinate the beans i have some indoors in my sun room.I thought the flowers would open up and let me know it was time to pollenate them. but i waited to two days they seemed to die of before they opened

  7. I'm growing bush beans in our basement and have two questions: 1. Our seedlings are already producing flowers and beans, even with just a few leaves! Am I giving them too much light? 2. How long does the plant continue to produce indoors? Should I expect just 5-6 beans from each plant or like our outdoor straw bale plants, can I possibly get 20-30 beans per plant?

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