March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Use Chickens to Hatch Out Quail Eggs Incubation Experiment

This is an experiment I conducted to hatch out quail eggs by using a broody chicken. The concept is the broody hens will sit on the quail eggs and hatch them out so I decided to try this method of incubation out for myself. Here are the results of this experiment and my thoughts/conclusion about whether using hens to incubate other poultry species is a worthwhile thing to do or not…

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Use Chickens to Hatch Out Quail Eggs Incubation Experiment

  1. I don't think it's about the different species at all.i think that it's because you feed them quail eggs,so instead of seeing them as their babies,the chickens see those eggs as food.

  2. When I was a teen ager my family raised chickens. My dad got some guinea eggs for us to put under a broody hen. They hatched and she took care of them just like she would chicks. That's how alot of people in our area would get started out raising guineas. I've heard that hens are actually better mothers to guineas than guineas hens are.

  3. have you done or gonna do a video on harvesting quail chicken or duck? id like to see that im sure many would its a part of keeping birds at home you have to deal with at some point

  4. I have not raised quails with chickens but my thought is most lickly if some of the eggs remained whole they hatched got up from under the hen and ran off. The reason I say this is that I have raised and hatched a few different things with broody hens. The problem with it is that you need to keep them closed together for a bit at the beginning because they have different calls meaning chicken quinea quail duck muscovy goose turkey. I did giineas a lot and those would hatch really well but if you didn't keep them in a enclosed area they would run far away and die. After a bit of time the baby guineas would learn the chicken calls and would come for food and water but at the beginning they wouldn't know. As tou know quineas are also quite small when they are born. A bit bigger then quail. I would try again but with a smaller breed of chickens and lock hey up at the end and Im almost positive it has to work

  5. Nice video..A hen will hatch quail eggs but you shouldn't give her a mix of chicken eggs + quail eggs to sit on. Quail eggs are so tiny and will stand out if you combine with Chicken or Duck eggs.

  6. I have a Silkie hen and she has raised babies before and now that I don’t have rooster she is VERY broody and was sitting on a fake egg. I let her have that until I got some quail eggs ( got them today) and now she is sitting on them happy as a broody hen can be. Silkies are the way to go if you want natural hatching methods.

  7. If you try this experiment again I would recommend bantams, they are really good setters and moms, we have used them successfully to hatch and care for my quail.

  8. Bantam and if you have them aracarna will sit on almost anything and not only hatch them but also brood them. To have both eggs and shell gone is very unusual, I would start to look further a field chooks dont normally eat the shell unless they are very short on calcium. If that is the case give them some oyster shell. I also regularly put in a large box of beach sand for them to fluff and bath in

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