If we hope to someday become fully food self-sufficient, we are going to have to begin taking part in the process from seed to harvest. So check out how we built our germination station in our basement, to start our seedlings indoors.
VIDEO: How We Set Up Our Germination Station for Starting Seedlings Indoors
If we hope to someday become fully food self-sufficient, we are going to have to begin taking part in the process from seed to harvest. So check out how we built our germination station in our basement, to start our seedlings indoors.
I know this video is over 2 years old. But what brand of Trays are you using?
What trays do you use?
I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times, but you guys are such a cute couple!!!
Nice big basement!
Are these trays reusable and durable? Where did you buy them. At my local nursery they only sell super cheep meant to be thrown away trays.
Nice seed starting/growing setup! But sadly NOT a germination station/chamber.
So Helpful! Thank you.
What zone are you growing in?
What cell packs are those? I've been looking for them! (recently moved to QC from ONT)
Ive been hooked on your videos recently, thanks for sharing all this stuff. Keep up the good work.
I stumbled upon your videos I created a raised permaculture garden. But then I got watching and I saw your wife and I don't forget a face, I have tried to figure out how I know her from, I'm a nurse in Brockville, is Paula a nurse?
Just wondering Do you you`ll use a Farmer Almanac . Very Good Video. So the basement is permafrost proof ?
What about water. Watering is the most labor intensive part of seedlings. You need a way to bring water in, and collect runoff.
I like the idea of reflecting the light at the back of the shelf with "space blanket". Since most of the light is lost into the room, have you thought of reflecting the light at the front of the the shelves?
Be growing some chronic down in the reflector-cave!
8:10 it looks like a weed lab
The editing/post-production in your videos is so impressive! I love the graphics and mathing
So it´s true Canadians really are afraid of the dark!
Nope. Not installing yet ANOTHER app on my phone
What about bottom heat?
come on now really?? mark the holes to make the lights straight?? you not serious are you???
Great job! Mind sharing your watering routine and setup?
What about the heat issue. My basement is 60 F which I believe is too cool. Did you add heat?
Do you know what the appropriate distance you need to have your seedlings away from the lights? I have read blog posts saying that if the lights are too close. It can actually damage the plants
Thanks for the reflective blanket idea . I hadn't thought of that.
Good day. I live in zone 11 and get about 13 hours of sunlight. Do you think it would be just as fast to grow my peppers and tomatoes outside as under grow lights. The low is 64 and the high is about 71. What do you suggest? I am looking for speed to get the seedlings up.
its funny causes its cheaper to build a simple greenhouse then it is to build an indoor grow room also sometimes to much light is not good because it well make a lot of heat and cook your seedlings, i had to learn this the hard way and there was no way to raise the lights higher so this time im going to place a high temperature plastic panel over the lights, its 8 lights