Today on Allotment Grow How, we plant on the Lobelia Plug Plants, we also plant out the broadbeans and take a look at how the onion sets are coming along. Seedlings are starting to grow and the season is starting to take shape, it’s and exciting time in the gardening calendar.
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#lobelia #plantingout #plugplants
Hi Adam. Jenny and I beat you by a day luckily enough. I put our Broad Bean plants out yesterday. Jenny was painting next doors shed as we had some paint left. Our seeds arrived yesterday so, hopefully I'll get some sowing done tomorrow. Still have finished off digging one side of our plot also yesterday, we have about a third on the other side to do. Our Sweet Peas are showing today so more excitement. Thanks for the video is was really good and we both enjoy them. How's the Swamp Lilies going?. All the best and talk soon Roger n Jenny.
Which variety of Lobelia are you growing?
I've never gown them before, but got a hold of some cardinalis.
Of course, I sowed them far apart, not grouped together like the bunch you purchased, so no telling if they will take…we'll see.
Your tulips are a beautiful color.
Using a board is a brilliant idea!
Thanks for the video
I put my broad beans in at the weekend, a couple of cold nights later they don't seem to be there anymore.I'll be putting the rest of the seeds in pots this weekend, hope yours fair better!
Hi Adam, good video as expected. Fence looking good, those long pallets are for plasterboard which is why they are not so abundant. Its knowing when the window of opportunity is open on a building site. Ask the site agent they don't bite. The orange lath you used to mark out the line of beans is a slating lath. Those are very useful on the allotment. Planing out in a rain shower is supposed to be good and those beans look good. Cheers and take care Mike B
Hope you get a few of the broad beans
I have mice on my plot. I also used to have a gremlin. whenever I took my daughter with me, she had this habit of switching plant labels in the greenhouse. ps. don't let my wife talk to your lupin seeds. they will re-bury themselves after germination. lol.
my onions went in last weekend, adam. stuttgarter giants.
Hi Adam, those onion sets look a treat as do the broad beans. I had an e-mail yesterday from Marshalls to say my onion sets were now on the way, so with a bit of luck I might be able to plant them out next week. Hope to see you planting out those spuds on the next video. All the best, Da
Adam ,your onion sets and broad beans have a good head start. I never had Lobelie plug plants. Your pallets should be able to stop the rabbits.
excellent update Adam, love the humour!
Nice one Adam, managed to get my £ shop sets in a week ago ,still using the ones I grew last year
Hi Adam- Thanks for the update. I think I guessed your mystery seedlings were sweet peas! I'll wait for a gold star. Your broad beans look very healthy. Down on your plot your fence looks great. Well done to you and your dad for sorting it. I'm on the look out for some onion sets so I can join in with your challenge. Take care Nick
Hey Adam, looks like a great "problem" to have with the onions and broad beans. I started some Lobelia seeds, not sure how they will turn out. Ok patting myself on the back now…
I knew they were sweet peas. I also planted lupine for the first time this year too… yours was gorgeous last year. Insane.. you are .. reading to the plants.. But I do talk to my plants too. Like the tulips… Your becoming quite the "flower man". T
LOL, Adam. I enjoyed your conversation with the sleeping seeds. I need to try that. hahaha. Using the pallets is a creative ideal for fencing. You beans look happy planted out. It is too early for me to do them now. We have rain like you do now too. Good luck with the onion. I will have the giant pumpkin challenge again this year. I don't think I can grow a really big onion.
I love your channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Adam i'm a pensioner from South Africa. I just love your videos and have such a good laugh, you make my days happier.
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Wow that was quite the mess!