January 10, 2025

VIDEO: Garden Tips Iron deficiency

A short and simple video showing how to identify and treat plants that are suffering from iron deficiency.

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Tips Iron deficiency

  1. totally works !!!,,…i discovered this on accident ….i once bought some tin vases and cans i had around the house to put my cactus and some i use ceramics….months later i really noticed the ones in the ceramics were just not growing , they didnt die but not growing either …but the ones in the tin vases and cans grew beyond my expectations …and i bought all of the cactus at the same time …the rust was exactly what they needed …or what you can do is put huge nails in your soil for the ones in the ceramic vases and just let the rust bleed out into the soil eveytime you water them …ps- i didnt even make any drainage holes in the tin…

  2. Or Or you could go to Home Depot and buy ironite and sprinkle it on the plant. Any you don't have rusty nails lying around your house just saying tetnes

  3. I watched a video that explained an improper pH level would cause the iron deficit plant to be unable to take up sufficient iron or other nutrients until the pH level was adjusted for that particular plant.

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