March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Worm Bin DIY – All in One – Easy Composting & Harvesting Casting, Part 1

Best All in One Easy DIY Worm Bin Composting & Harvesting Casting. Make work casting all year long from this construction setup & design. Part 1

Link to Worm Bin DIY Part 2 :

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Worm Bin DIY – All in One – Easy Composting & Harvesting Casting, Part 1

  1. Warm casting is somewhat moist toward the middle and the top. Does it actually seep through the net when you spin it? Can you do a video of you harvesting your bin with the worms, food waste and the worm casting? I'm curious. Genius idea by the way. Love your invention.

  2. Love it! I believe I'll be shortening my board and my rod so that I can sit it down in a plastic tub. Cut a 1/2 inch x 4-5 inch slot in the tub for the rod to sit down in. And then add a removable handle for the rod..
    Also I'm wondering do I have to go with the larger mesh or can I just use the smaller mesh to start with humm…

    I'm going to have to try this.

  3. Is is true if you accidentally chop a worm in half with a shovel itll survive and will now have two worms? Also you should put a tray under your tumbler to catch all the castings. Much easier for processing.

  4. The liquid caught from the bottom is not worm tea it is leachate and it is not good to use on delicate plants or vegetables it has alot of excessive sodium among other things, worm tea is actually brewed only.

  5. I do think you may be on to something. Maybe try starting with the 1/8 screen down to 1/16 screen. Also maybe use a threaded rod and a few washers and nuts. You gave me a few ideas. Ty for the time to make the video, and spread the love. Keep it green my friend

  6. This is…so ingenious. I’ve been wanting to have a compact vermicompost system that I can keep in my apartment and this definitely looks like it would fit the bill

  7. Only thing I might do different is place the plastic back over the screen to keep even the smallest worms inside. But regardless you created a great affordable and amazing way to combine bin and harvest.

  8. Yea why dont you show how this works in a real world situation….i bet you that the mud has a hard time screaning compared to that dry dust

  9. This is an awesome idea! thanks so much I can't wait to make my own. I have a question I was wondering if you could just lay the 1/4 inch hardware cloth on the inside of the bucket and the finer mesh on the outside so you can still achieve the double screening process without the second step? I've never tried this and am new in regard to using castings so I don't know if it would work, any thoughts? thanks again for a great video. have a great weekend

  10. I just watched both parts of this video series; this one and the one where you showed us how to make it. I noticed two things that were different in this video. 1) the screen was attached without the screws that were shown in the other video, and 2) you did not use the "cover" when you slid the worm bucket into the outer bucket. Have you learned something new/better?

  11. Great concept. I'd use a pan to catch the first sifting from the bucket. If you make the catch pan a double pan with a screen on the bottom of thetop pan you just give your double catch pan a shake to harvest the fine castings.

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