June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Making Salad from Our Backyard Garden

In this video I am picking vegetables from the garden to make a salad. I pick enough to make a large enough salad to carry to work all week for lunch. Free lunch (practically)!! Woo Hoo!!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Making Salad from Our Backyard Garden

  1. What a wonderful looking salad garden you have! I have never eaten radish leaves. How do they taste? Have you thought about dehydrating your green onions? I've thought about dehydrating mine.

  2. Salad time is back. Have to get back into the habit of collecting wild herbs. 🙂 Free lunch with garden salad! :-)) Good. Radishes look really like pink beauties. Swiss chards are nice, too. Had Spinach salad myself today :-))) <3

  3. (Just between us girls) I was watching this video when my husband came home from work.. He was so impressed by your haul he went to the garage, put on his tool belt, and erected three raised beds!! YOU HAVE THE MAGIC TOUCH!! Maybe you could mentions something about fruit trees and berry bushes? wink, wink LOL!!

  4. Have a bowl of that fine looking salad for me Lea!! Always nice living off what one can grow and saving a good amount of money while doing it.
    What's your favorite salad dressing? Have a good'nnn

  5. A few minutes in to the video, you mentioned something about you being so excited about lettuce. About that same time, I was thinking "this woman really loves her vegetables!". Great video, and your passion for what you do really shows through!!!

  6. Lea, nothing to feel silly about at all. I am sure people don't fully understand when I get excited about seeing a Gila Monster or a Bobcat, but it is just what gets my blood flowing! I also noticed that you inspire a lot of people with your videos after reading through a number of comments. Keep up the great work and keep inspiring your fellow Homesteaders!!!

  7. There is nothing more rewarding than picking homegrown salads.
    The purple flowers on your chives are so beautiful.
    For some reason, I have never been able to get kale to grow. What does it takes like?

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