March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Growing ( Building ) Organic No Till Garden Soil 101, How to at St. Isidore's Farm

Growing Organic No Till Garden Soil 101 at St. Isidore’s Farm ( Link ) . Not just How to build.. BUT GROW soil..

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing ( Building ) Organic No Till Garden Soil 101, How to at St. Isidore's Farm

  1. As a long time bee keeper I would advise you when you start start with small cell frames if you don't know what the differents is let me know and I will send you info then you will not need all these chemicals to kill mites and other problems . This is a very interesting subject as is growing soil and you can lern so much from the bees

  2. Would you be so kind to give the Latin name of the winter the you use. Never really grew rye other than the type that grows for a lawn. Maybe the same?… Thanks also for recommending new channel.

  3. Thank you, Mark for all of your help. FYI – two days ago we had 100% germination rate on the sunflowers in the damp paper towel. Have yet to see them in the fields, but at least we know the $20 seeds are viable. Will upload an update video soon. Thank you as well for sending viewers to our channel. Take care, Brad

  4. Love his channel Mark …. are you going to get into Mason Bees for pollination or Honey bees for both pollination and honey? Mason bees definitely do a way better job for pollination

  5. I wish you could check out the Natural Beekeeping Trust to see how they beekeep. I'm going to follow their methods when we finally get our farm set up and ready for our own bees. If you do check them out, if you haven't already, I hope you'll comment on what you think of their methods. They seem superior to me.

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