Zone 6 Pomegranates in Michigan! Unbelievable? Start believing! We got these fully mature pomegranate bushes from here: We are not being sponsored or paid by them so let them know we sent you!
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Can pomegranate trees tolerate fish heads?
your philosophy in planting trees is very close to mine, I normally make the enviroment for ANY plant and they grow very well, congrats
I read to spray the blossoms with neem oil. Will try in the spring.
How is it after 3 years
Well, my pomegranate tree is definitely taller than 3 feet, i an guessing its about 6 metres tall. I am really having hard time trimming the branches at the top.
So how is it doing now that it has been three years?
Hi..guys…nice video,I am watch your video.i just subscribed ang liked.
I’m trying to grow it in Houston Texas but the fruit just seem to get scorched from the sun. It fruit the fruit is black before it gets ripe.
Hi i bought 2 ruussian red pomegranate trees, since you planted the same veritey in zone 6 i wanted to see how your pomegranate tree is doing, thanks
Dude, they get 10 feet high and wide. You should delete this vid or edit. That way too close to the fig
Advising people to put blood in their soil is never a good idea plus it could attract unwanted animals
My guess is this tree is dead just like the dog tree because they're never an update on them
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Hi there what climate zone is Johannesburg
Had mine in a great sunny spot for years never really got big or bloomed but growing tall this year maybe we have some blooms this year
my tree is not giving fruit. any suggestions?
With such amount of compost you don’t need to fertilize it forever
Pinagranate it can plant in a cold place only?
Brilliant video, as always, thank you!
Just got mine! I’m in Zone 9, I’m hoping it will do well, especially with all Luke’s tips.
Fact: Pomegranate seeds do not come true to type, so plants grown from seed will have unexpected traits, possibly including poor-quality fruit. Planting the seeds will not produce the same fruit quality in size, quantity, and taste that it came from. Best to get the same exact traits is to either grow through grafting, cuttings, or marcoting (air layering).
I have the tree but it get roteen every time how to treat my fruit
you are geeked aren´t you??
How about zone8?
I was going to move to port Huron years ago. Miss ya guys. Moving to Upstate NY in a couple of weeks. Great video as usual !
do you unravel the root ball? what tool? thanks
Everyone else says sand soil mixture but this guy..