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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
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I see the room for growth in this industry. Even with all the competition from home growers. People dont eat enough healthy food. And the ones that do, dont eat enough fresh food without roundup on it. I read somewhere that roundup has recently increased big farm yields by 10x or something ridiculous. The prices on non-roundup tainted fresh food have a very nice floor underneath the prices, and nice inherent built in value I think.
There never has been, nor will there ever be a man-made Utopian society for either Marxists, socialists or even for capitalists.
A lot of Marxists and leftists talk about helping the common man, the working class, the poor or the environment but what I really begin to see is that what they really seek is subjugation, self granted authority and domination of narrative. And yes similar can be said of capitalists but they tend to be kept in check by their limitations to get more profit, aging markets and newer trends.
Capitalism does have its rough points as well with varied scales of negative externalities and spill over effects to others via land pollution, trade wars, competition, debt bubbles, resource acquisitions, and other risks.
This is why I read newspapers or look at videos from both leftist and capitalist perspectives. And I agree and disagree with various arguments, perspectives and narratives on both sides leaving me to a "selective centrist".
Going through similar difficulties with plastics. The compostable generally run 3-4times higher cost and there are no local groups offering composing and these plastics require commercial conditions that break them down specifically.
How do you start a business when you have zero income. Wouldn't you benefit from non profit
What you are saying is very true and most people that would be upset with what your saying are hiding from the truth or are one of the people wait for the free stuff. lol
I have thought about this a lot. In addition to devaluing the work, you diminish rather than build self-esteem and empowerment. The governmental answer of throwing money at human problems not only weakens the recipients, it disenfranchises our ability to help someone up by using our own money – the government already got it!
Well said, Curtis. Your lesson applies to a variety of subjects. I plan on sharing this video with many. Thank you for your time and effort.
If it can't be perfect, then I won't even try. I've heard that and. Probably so have you. If you are so "green" then why are you on a (plastic) pc? Or why do you use gas to go to work daily? Some of those questions are ridiculous. You have to do the best you can with what you can and try harder but also be satisfied with your results and efforts. Thanks. I get plenty from you watching your videos.
…maybe give discounts to persons who bring their own containers…
What about systems to set up communal farms? I mean i wish we that programs like that when I was in school. Esp in the bigger cities.
It is intersting that Curtis makes a VALID POINT, and everybody runs off in different directions. Even in a commumist or socialist society, if the people DON'T WANT IT THEY ARE NOT GONNA EAT IT. That is what he says, and it is a beautiful point. So if you are growing to sell it directly, to the co-op, people, or government, make sure there is a market. Or grow something else. He also said IT IS EMPOWERING. Lets say you don't want to big a capitalist pig and are socialist. Their business model is a CO-OP where the workers own the business. Or you can make a community garden and those that help reap a part of want it made. AS IN SAYS IN ANOTHER VIDEO, don't get so caught up in your political ideology and DO SOMETHING. THIS GUY IS SHOWING YOU HOW TO DO IT. If you watch his nets over the greens, that is how you make organic and not have to dump chemicals (for the most part). You can have ORGANIC FOOD FOR FREE.
thankx man.
i. needed too hear this …
The world is ABUNDANT! Let's prove this together one yard at a time. Thanks Curtis, you're a beast!
Great advice! Thanks.
Take a look at, to solve your plastic waste externality dilemma. Keep up the good work!
Charity is the filthiest invention of the human mind: first you steal what belongs to everyone; then you use the law and various other means to protect it.
You give charity to prevent the have-nots from rebelling against you. It also makes you feel less guilty. All do-gooders feel 'high' when they do good.
abundance vs scarcity I will take abundance.
How about the solution of not producing for profit or any financial gain. Here's justice:freely give what was freely given (produce). To be sustainable, those without should be willing to work to show gratitude for what is freely given. Benevolence is only impractical because of capitalism.
I agree with you !00%, If you flood the system you screw over the farmers around you. Watch the Documentary "Poverty Inc.". It is about corporations flooding the economy of Haiti with free stuff through charities and there economy can't grow but collaspe. Great videos
I'm a farmer and it is not for everyone. You need money to make money… or you beg.
Thanks for making complicated concepts accessible. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Value is not mutually synonymous with money. Money is not everyone's metric for success. This version of economics excludes everyone who is sick or unable in other ways from access to nutrition. Nutrition should not be available only to people who can trade physical labour for it.
Really needed to hear this today been trying to find a way to package my greens more earth friendly. It doesn't mean I need to give up on the idea, just that it may take awhile for that to happen. Thank you so much Curtis.
Working and getting paid it is the same as profit but you’re getting paid a different kind of capital. Right? I am 15 this is just me trying to..
Outstanding, realistic, full of truth and well presented.
Develope a zero waste grocery farm stand and encourage people to bring their own bags. Also, real organic farming is done with practically no financial input and has much more value. If you grow in green houses your food is garbage. If you do aquaponics, your food is garbage Go visit Paul Gauchi to see what free organic food tases like. ???????
You have been on top of this stuff Curtis. This video is more relevant now than ever. Really appreciate you man. Watching your videos is like watching someone explain my life and thoughts and its refreshing in todays world where conservatives are ostracized.