June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Visiting Witley Court

Away from the allotment I decided to pay a visit to the amazing Witley Court, one of the best stately homes/country houses I have visited. Situated in lovely grounds and surrounding country side, be sure to check out the amazing fountain in the video… If you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and a share.

#visitingwitleycourt #englishheritage

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Visiting Witley Court

  1. Hi Adam, another excellent video, expertly done. Such a shame a fantastic building was ruined by fire. I have been passed it on several occasions but never been in the place. By the way, I have taken your cosmos along to your sisters so you can now pick them up. See you soon. Dave.

  2. I'm amazed at such wealth. It's a beautiful palace. Who where the Witleys? The fire must have been an inferno to do such damage. Reminds me of the fire in the movie Jane Eyre with Orson Wells. Thank you again for another great tour.

  3. good afternoon Adam !! it is very beautiful, i have been there before and had a tour of the grounds and gardens !! it was great seeing it again !! arc at you with all the Latin names of the flower !! the fountains ​are spectacular all light up in the evenings !! the church is stunning !!

  4. Adam, thank you for taking us along on your trip.  It is a shame that this place burnt, but, I would imagine, that if it were still a residence, perhaps you would not get to visit it and see all the "underneath" craftsmanship that you showed us today.  The gardens are lovely.  It's amazing to me that they have kept the fountains still working, even if only for short amounts of time.  Beautiful. Happy Gardening! Catherine

  5. Hi Adam, that was an epic video, and as usual well put together. The editing must have taken some time. Transitions are smooth so a lot of clips on the cutting room floor. When I see a large house such as this I have to ask where did the wealth come from? Not all big house owners were in the Slave Trade. I think the Foleys were iron masters. We sang about an iron master in the showers after Rugby. Kosher Bailey had an Aunt Kitty played front row for Cardiff City. My grandfather was a director of the Co-op and he told me story's about iron masters. One of the reasons why the Co-operative movement started. I ramble on Take care Mike B

  6. It was such a grand place, if you look on google images there are some photos of the place inside (pre 1930's), it is a crying shame fire destroyed it. Would've loved to have seen it as it was before. I find old buildings have more character than modern one's.

  7. Great film, by the way, it was not destroyed by the fire, only the ballroom, the rest was done by a succession of scrap dealers who striped it over the years. Fantastic to see the work done to stabilize it I am looking forward to visiting it tomorrow, hope to post a film. Thank you for sharing yours, I enjoyed it 🙂

  8. This reminds me so much of Sutton Scarsdale Hall near me. The hall is in pretty much the same state but it wasn't fire damage, it was sold off and the interior shipped to America in the 1920's. It hasn't retained its gardens like Whitley, but still a pretty place to visit. I really enjoy your field trip videos.

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