March 27, 2025

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Building a Small Plastic Greenhouse – Allotment Grow How

  1. Great mines think alike. I got one put up today as well. Looks ok and we'll see how they go. My sweet corn is like yours as well, Jenny n I planted ours a while ago but, their showing at last. Look forward to next one. Rog n Jenny.

  2. i had two of these last year and lost all my seeds and seedlings as they both blow away in a windy day, but having said that they are great little greenhouses to have once i screwed homemade brackets​ i made and fixed them to the wall !! great update !! great looking seeds and seedlings !! mm sweet corn are growing fantastically in root trainers and I'm planting out tomorrow !! thanks for sharing and happy gardening !!

  3. My kitchen is a mini jungle too! Those little greenhouses are pretty good for a short term fix. Mine is now on its third year which is better than I thought. But it didn't build itself like yours did haha. I grew my sweetcorn in root trainers last year and they were fine. This year i'm doing them in pots and they are massive already. Nice work on the begonias. I've never grown them. Your editing always makes me smile. Good job matey 🙂

  4. You will be pleased to know these do last for more than one season. I have got 5 of these and the oldest one is 6,years old. They do need to be tied up but if not put a couple of bricks on the bottom. The only thing to wear out is the cover which you can get from Amazon. The paint on the struts will eventually peel off over the years but this does not affect the plants. Oh yes, and cos I've got mine at home my cats do occasionally like to use the cover as a scratching post or as a step ladder to get on the shed. Enjoy.

  5. Hi Adam!  These little green houses work great!  I have one just like this, and a larger one.  We have them anchored to the deck so they don't blow away.  The one suggestion I have is, if you aren't going to bring in the whole set up in the winter, take the cover off, the sun will degrade it.  I have had mine out for three years now, and the covers leave a lot to be desired, but they are still working!  I enjoy when you do different angles for your filming, I'll probably be using some of them myself! As far as the root trainers, I have one and I love it!  Doing my corn in them this year, have done parsnips and sunflowers.  Happy Gardening! Catherine

  6. Hi Adam, I have one of those mini greenhouses and if you recall earlier in the year I put in a 10" pot of newly sown carrots. Too heavy for the shelf and over they tipped. Sowing any seed direct is better than transplanting as there is no check but and its a big BUT, the timing and conditions have to be right. Transplanting solves the judgement but there will always be a small check but we can live with that. Take care Mike B

  7. Hi Adam, I think those mini greenhouses are a great solution at this time of year when it's not quite warm enough and you need to harden plants off. I've finally got my tomato plants off the kitchen windowsill and into the greenhouse as they were blocking the light! I agree with planting sweetcorn in pots as anything I direct sow gets eaten by pests on my plot. Take care. Nick

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