Many people often ask me why aren’t my quail laying eggs or when will my quail start laying eggs again? In this video, I explain the common reason/s why Coturnix quail stop laying eggs and I also give a quail update on how my flock and pen is going plus what’s to come in the future. Enjoy!
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Hi Everyone! Don't forget to like the video and feel free to comment! Thanks for all your awesome support!
Telling us it's Winter there would mean more if you weren't in shorts.
Love the channel, thanks for all the info.
Do you do any preparation for colder weather?
Very informative. Thank you for sharing.
hi ya Mark !! great information and advice on quail and quail eggs !! thanks for sharing and happy homesteading !!
how long do quail wat to lay after broodying
I broke out my jeans and a long sleeved shirt today! Always happy to get more quail info.
Tell me guys when quil lay eggs….?? I am asking about age….please reply
Mark, What do you do with the eggs if you aren't hatching them?
Did I see a big snake in that popup?? Was it going after your birds? We also have huge snakes here in Texas and they like to eat our chicks. But back to your quail — they really do look good. You have a way of putting it all together very well, you really do. My entire family loves your videos.
I enjoy your videos so much!!!! Carry on
Hi man, love your videos!
Could you perhaps try to make a video of how to make an easy maggot farm? It's free and good protein food for the quails!
Mine are 10 weeks old and haven't started laying yet. However, it is mid-fall here and I was figured that why they hadn't started. Thanks for the video!
Brilliant videos mate, really interesting, thanks.
It's been almost 1 year that my quail haven't layed and I don't know what to do
My female chukar is not ready for matting what should i do to lay egg
Hi! Can I give some cat/kitten dry food to my quails (to increase the protein in their diet when their are laying eggs) and eat their eggs withouth problem?
How do you keep ducks from bulling ?
I need help .
I have 2 female that they just look alfull.
I have keeped them separately from the males.
Need help .
Renette from Springfield, Tennessee
Hi would you entering their cage frighten the quails out of laying?
I have a quail which looks like Male but has no balls I’m confused on if it’s Male or female
We recently got 2 ladies.
The coop is on the ground like yours but I have two small dogs that occasionally run and bark at the doves hanging around the coop.
Would this affect the quails from laying?
Hi I live in Cairns Australia and have quails six females three eggshell day I give them Starter, I have sand to play in a cold pack to sit on ..Do you have any suggestions what else can I do.
Do you have a separate pen to grow up your quail for meat?
i move their cage out to my backyard in the day, and back in the shed where i put them at night, does that stress them? Because they stopped laying eggs.
Thank you for your information.. was helpful ..