June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Bad Dog Scooter Native Wildlife Adventure Time

This video details one of the wildlife adventures our dog Scooter recently went on when I found him down the back excitedly harassing a native Australian animal – not very happy! Thanks for your support!

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark ๐Ÿ™‚

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bad Dog Scooter Native Wildlife Adventure Time

  1. my cats are bastards like that.. dogs n cats mate.. jeezus christ lol im gettin a wombat and a wallabe next time. ps. dont wory about people who dont like you calling the dog stupid when it was being stupid, i think they are just jelous of your charisma, im sure they arent vegn and have worse things done to animals than just name calling

  2. I don't understand why you would call the dog dumb. He was merely trying to do what dogs are supposed to do and that is to protect it's owner and it's owner's property. He alerted you to the fact that there was a snake (danger) nearby that could harm you or the animals that you have on your property.

  3. Wow, I love your channel and your country, but I'm so, so glad I live in the Northwest of Washington State and the only thing we have are slugs and rain. LOL So pleased that Scooter stops when you yell. Good dog. Cheers

  4. Good on Scooter for warning you about the python, lucky it wasnt an Eastern or King brown, we get a lot of those here in Ipswich. Hate those cane toads, theyre a real nuisance. My dogs just love chasing them at night, I have a mini foxy and a Jack Russellxmini foxy, so theyre always hunting something, saved a water dragon in my backyard the other day. Great video Mark

  5. Have a blue cattle/black tan kelpie cross somewhat like scooter and she is a big scardy cat when it comes to snakes, but you know when there is one around by the way she barks. I would have done the same thing Mark. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. My dog Max who I've had for around 14 years now has always been a great snake alarm. But his last misadventure was a death adder I found dead outside my back door, with Max frothing at the mouth. Emergency midnight trip to the vet and a million dollars later he's miraculously still kicking on. But I haven't seen him go for another snake since. Not saying that's the best deterrent but…..

  7. Awww poor Scooter was protecting the chickens. He thinks he is being a good boy.
    You forgot to use the disclaimer that no animals were harmed in the making of this video which is good. It's good that Scooter alerts you when there are threats to your chickens.

  8. "scooter the cowardly dog", if "courage the cowardly dog" was filmed in Australia, it would all make sense, especially with the cane toad tripping.

  9. Sorry to say with a shock collar u can train it out of them. It might seem cruel to the dog but I have had to nurse a dying Labrador from a rattlesnake bite more than once. 2 sessions with a collar and a snake your dog will never mess with a snake again

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