March 27, 2025

VIDEO: What’s in My Garden Tool Bag and How I Organize my Tools

The must have tools in my garden tool bag and how I like to organize them so that they are there (in the garden) when I need them. See below for links to the supplies I use in this video.

Thank you to Fiskars for supplying their tools and for partnering with us on this episode. To learn more about Fiskars, go to

FREE growing guide “Grow 3 Vegetables in 6 Weeks”: 

-eBook “Growing 5 Warm Weather Vegetables Made Easy”

-Garden Coloring Book

Supplies in this video:
(affiliate links – I make a small commission when you order through these links and its helps me keep the garden content coming!)

Garden Bucket Tool Caddy:

Fiskars Big Grip Trowel:

3. Fiskars Big Grip Cultivator:

4. Fiskars PowerGrip2 Pruner:

5. Fiskars Soft Touch Micro Tip Pruner:

6. Safety Glasses:

7. Garden Stretchy Tie Tape:

8. Plant Tags:

9. Rubber Mallet:

10. Trifecta+ organic fertilizer: 10 % off at, or

11. Vemisterra Worm Castings, Worm Tea: 10% off with promo code “calikim” at, or


Garden Blog:


Facebook Page:

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: What’s in My Garden Tool Bag and How I Organize my Tools

  1. I did not know fiskers made garden tools. I use fiskers cutting tools for sewing and all of their products are great and last forever. I can't wait to order mines.

  2. Hi hi! Love the tool bag! I usually use my five gallon bucket to store my tools in but when I'm in the garden, I use one of those plant transporters from the store that starter plants come in. This year is my first year but due to work I was not able to start my own seeds. The transporter holds the plants and stuff and the bucket becomes a waste pail :).

  3. Great ideas Kim. I waste too much of my gardening time searching from bed to bed for missing tools. I am a senior so I really can't afford the wasted energy. Thanks so much. I love your channel and always look forward to new segments.

  4. osem video Kim I really love your garden tools I especially like your Fiskars pruners those are pretty cool I have a pair of those I really love them and your organizer that you put all your tools in that's cool

  5. Definitely a must to have the right tool as well as a good made ones. I don't like having to run all over the garden trying to find a miss placed tool. I have a bucket that transport thur out the garden with me. I don't have the totally awesome tool belt. Thats going on my wish list. Thank you Kim for sharing excellent garden tips. I appreciate it immensely. Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

  6. As Always Thank You Kim! I keep a collapsable 4 wheeled cart in my garage that I load up with what I need for the time I'm going to spend in the garden. I'm going to have to check into those small needle nose type pruners! Also I use old coffee "cans" (plastic type with lid) to keep my Trifecta+ and Worm Castings in. They work well. They stand up better than the bags and keep the contents good and dry : )

  7. I really liked this video … now we just need a video on whats in your kitchen and how you keep your garage or building with all the garden equipment nice and neat. Lol sorry just wanting to be organized and have some ideas on what and how to store. Its nice to have things go hand in hand with your garden!

  8. Oh that is cool. I need something like that because for a couple years now I've been using an old metal red wagon for all my hand tools and fertilizer. I think it's time for an upgrade because my wagon is useful but I can't get into those tight small areas. Thanks Kim, I enjoyed this video!!!

  9. We are dedicated Fiskars' customers as well–not just for our garden. My wife uses Fiskars products in her jewelry design and repair profession. One thing that I would put in that tool bag would be a bottle of our homemade essential oil bug repellent. I highly recommend lemon eucalyptus oil as the base for your own DIY repellent.

  10. Thanks I was going to make the same video for beginners.I'm still a beginner and I get so excited when I see my plants do something.i just bought my second green house I Have a container garden

  11. Have you ever been to the Orange County fair grounds? Every year they have a pet expo. I know you use coco coir in your garden I thought I would share this tip with you. At the pet expo there are different room for different types of animals, and in the reptile room you can gat a 10 pound block of coco coir for $10! On a side note they also have a Mini farm there 24/7. If you go into one of the information buildings and ask about interning a plant for the oc fair than they will give you a free packet of seeds. Also if you didn't know you can enter vegetables/fruits/ flower cuttings you grow. P.S. I love all of your videos.

  12. I have a question. I am growing tomato plants from Seedlings and they are about 4 inches tall. My problem is that they have been 4 inches tall for about 2 months now. They will not grow bigger. I also had a problem with overwatering them but I've gotten better at that. Can you please tell me what to do?

  13. I bought a pair of the Folders micro clip pruners today. Easily and precisely removed the suckets from my tomatoes. Not sure how I got by without them. Thanks for the tip CaliKim.

  14. Nice gardening tool caddie Kim! Love that garden trawl 🙂 I have been through about 3 trawls because the bend and eventually break at the handle. Also love your gloves! I used them back when I did concert work in the US and the stand up to the wear and tear!

  15. Great tips! Thanks for sharing. I have a bucket I carry around too – not as nice as this, but it makes tips around the garden easier. Keep up the good content.

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