Gabe Brown of Brown’s Ranch in Bismarck, ND, shares his transformative journey of cultivating his farm from modern conventional use to a thriving living ecosystem. Through no-till and extensive cover crop usage, Gabe and his family are able to support a diverse array of farm and ranching enterprises that are both profitable and models of sustainability in regenerative agriculture. Learn more at
VIDEO: Treating the Farm as an Ecosystem Part 3 with Gabe Brown
Gabe Brown of Brown’s Ranch in Bismarck, ND, shares his transformative journey of cultivating his farm from modern conventional use to a thriving living ecosystem. Through no-till and extensive cover crop usage, Gabe and his family are able to support a diverse array of farm and ranching enterprises that are both profitable and models of sustainability in regenerative agriculture. Learn more at
I am a teacher… I am watching your video for the 3rd time. I now feel like I am able to present your teachings as a form of certifiable information. I am also practicing some of your principles in my garden. Thank you for your teachings. You are always welcome to stay with us in Japan.
Thanks for the insight.
"We have a 200 year plan." Outstanding!
My complments to the sound person on this video.
One thing I LOVE about Gabe, is that he does so many things! I’ve had people tell me that I’m just doing too many things to be good at any of them. Well, Gabe is proof that they’re wrong. Thanks Gabe!
Thank you
This series has been so very, very inspiring! I just bought land and want to do things Gods way, so I believe I've found my calling!
Thanks Gabe, open butcheries, thats my plan anyway
Thank you Gabe. Thank you.
I'm not a farmer, i actually live in a high rise condo downtown capitol city, and I just finished watching your videos back to back to back,now when i drive past those heavy till fields, often empty many many months, i just feel so sorry, for the farmer, for the land, and for the quality loss, i miss abundant diversity and water supply… I could never afford my own farm but i will spread the knowledges as far and wide as i can! keep up the great work!
and his waistline says it all !!!!
great seminar i learned things that i never thought i would. Thank you so much!!!!!
I love to see this man passing it down to his kids. I Canada here a lot of kids do not take up the family bussiness and the chinese are buying up land and driving up land prices in the rural praries. The china actual bought somemajor canadian industry to previously owned domestically. This means the CCP has power and control in our polotics when they own a lot of our land and food production and bussiness.
a master in regenerative farming, productization and original thoughts in farming … great!
Gabe, thankyou for sharing all what you have learned. The future is in maintaining our ecosystems if we do not then we will face desertification.
You should label SOY FREE because people have severe allergies can’t eat meat of animals raised on soy.
What awesome information. Gives me hope for cultivating my small 3 1/2 acre piece of property.
I did a test with honey bee's eating ground roundup ready corn from TSC, No bee was acting normal, headstands, rolling over, walking along the ground & wobbling when walking. I ground down some of my regenerative organic heirloom corn. A pan a 1/4 of the RR corn pan & went about chores. I came back about 15 minutes later. Every one of those bee's was in my organic corn & not one bee in the RR corn pan. Not several bee's, but thousands from 11 honey supers, I did the same with deer & squirrels too, they would only consume the RR corn if No organic corn was available. That is nature screaming" We hate this toxic crap". One's who love it, big oil & chemical & corrupt politician's. I'm following nature, not the corruption committee's.
This guy is one of personal my heros.
If the mark of a good businessman is knowing his numbers, Gabe Brown is a stud. That man knows his operation so intimately his wife is jealous.
Looking for some guidance on how to start a farm. Anyone you know in the San Antonio area that can point me in the right direction?
This is foolish. Breaking up the family farm is a great way to make it easy for big fish to buy your property.
One heir, make it a stipulation that they pay a percentage of the value of the farm to the other heirs.
Your 38 but looking 83 cuz your still not doing it right. I’m 30 bit look like I’m 18 when I shave cuz I do work.
You ever think the cattle grazing land to land, lead cow/bull leading you to best land?
Those whiskers are for tallest plants not for nutrient density.
I’d vote for you for president. And I am not kidding you.
This is such a blessing. Thank you so much for posting this!