June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Allium Production Part 2

Treasured for their culinary, and medicinal properties, allium crops such as garlic, onions, shallots, chives and leeks provide gratifying yields, when their needs are met. This class provides the tools and techniques required to achieve your allium production goals. Instructor Pat Battle teaches us about their genetics, soils and soil preparation, timing, seeds, as opposed to sets, seedling production, crop care, harvest, best storage varieties and preparation methods to ensure successful storage. Discover the diversity of perennial alliums such as bunching onions, walking onions, potato onions and perennial leeks. Pat will also touch on alliums’ nutritional and culinary attributes and how to make the most of them in your kitchen. In part 2, Pat starts with successful methods for growing garlic.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allium Production Part 2

  1. Thanks. I grow hardneck (porcelains) garlic in my garden – I plant about 1000 cloves. So far I've tried Russian Red, German Red, Persian Star, and Music.

  2. Thanks for this video.  Leeks that I've sown in 2016 are coming back this year, I just cut them off above the root and leave then to regrow.  Each time they grow back there's a couple more baby leeks growing along side.    Still have a few from 2015 but they've mostly been smothered by perennial kale.

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