Yes I did swallow a gnat, but that’s not all I did I also planted out a few more plants. The plot is starting to take shape now – but it’s full on work at the moment.
If you fancy sharing this video I’d be well chuffed xx
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I scored 1 out of 2 lol
the first answer is " its a seedling, and the second looked like a globe artichoke…………….brian. lol
Hi Adam, everything seems to be coming on now. I notice that your plot is very stoney. Dave.
Hi, Adam. I love your lupin. Slugs love them too, however. So how did you manage to keep them at bay? Sue.
Plot looking good. Peas have been attacked by pea and bean weevil which is very rarely fatal but does slow them up a bit. Manhatten lights lupin looks fantastic i grow it on my plot and its one of my favourites. Keep up the good work
Loved this video, lots of little giggles. Your gooseberries are doing so well! I have 4 bushes and they are not doing great!
The walk to the plot looks beautiful too, you are very lucky to have a plot in such a beautiful spot
Sorry to see you have leaf miner too – mine were killed dead, so they are out. Apparently Autumn sets do better
Has the bean beetle been at the peas? Mine are rubbish too
Hi Adam, always pleased when your video comes up as I know there is always something to make me laugh
Hi Adam. Well Jen loves the Lupins!! She is going to look for them at the local Garden Centres and markets. My peas are ok but, my sweet peas look a bit like your peas! Could it be their too closely planted I'm wondering, maybe I should have thinned them more! Did guess by the way the Globe Artichoke, only as I've just planted ours out. Looking forward to next weeks mate. Roger n Jenny.
Love the lupine! Iv never grown them , might just have to give them a try!
Why did your first lupine you planted die?
If that t gnat is the worst thing you have to chew on in this life time you're doing pretty well bud. Lupine….Outstanding. That fruit of yours is slamming also. Glad to see everything else is up and coming on. You keep making them…I'll keep watching them.
Great update again mate. Loads of stuff I want to mention but I'll keep it brief. Sturon onions going to seed? Hopeful that they will recover? That's like placing hope that your teenage daughter will become un-pregnant. It ain't gonna happen, best you can do is nurture them and grow to love them, all 1 ounce of them. So much for YOUR onion challenge eh? (Smug grin from yours truly).
Talk soon
Your plot is looking good. Things are popping up everywhere. I thought the peas look fine. They probably just need a bit more time and then they will start jumping up the trellis. Also, peas don't need a lot of nitrogen fertilizer. Phosphorus and Potassium is okay though. Lupine looks amazing. You are the Lupine King! Imagine if you had 3 of them next to each other. Your fruit looks really good too. Thanks for the update.
Hi Adam. If you end up with a glut of gooseberries and you like curries maybe try making amla pickle. I am addicted to it on poppadoms. Cheers Graeme.
Hi Adam, thanks for another great video. I always seem to learn something new when I watch. Allium leaf miner, I have to look that one up. One group of my onions seems to have them, thanks to you ID'ing yours. I have never had that twisting before and I was wondering what was going on. The allotment looks great. Thanks for sharing. Happy Gardening! Catherine
Good update Adam
Hi Adam, I new a man who swallowed a gnat well fancy that he swallowed a gnat! stop when you get to horse because he is dead of course. Missed the fancy camera shots but I can wait for the next video. Plot is coming on fine, no idea what is the matter with the peas. I bet they will pick up, looking forward to the nex video Take care Mike B
tHANK YOU Adam for sharing have a blessed day
I just found your channel! I would love it if you would check my channel out as i do the same content as you and I'm also obsessed with allotments!
good day Adam !! I didn't guess with the first one but I guessed horseradish or wasabi with the second thing !! that loopin is massive plant spreading all over !! the fruit bushes are loaded with fruit !! I've just planted 6 jumbo marigold plants in my new bed out the front of my bungalow !! thing are coming along nicely and happily growing up !! great news about your seeds and seedlings coming up just after a week !! thanks for sharing and happy gardening
LOL Adam love the title of this one!! Always a thumbs up, wish I could do another for Gnat Videos. The lupine are specular, you're really becoming the flower guy :-D. Well it looks like you will have loads for red gooseberries. Funny looks like death row, really isn't. The allotment is looking pretty good, T
Looking good Adam. My whole bean bed is looking a bit sickly. Going to
try different feed and see if that helps. Hope your peas perk up. Lupins
looking awesome. I keep meaning to get some but always forget. I also
think I might have allium leaf miner? Mine are looking a bit like yours!
Take care buddy.
Hello Adam, if you don't mind me asking…. where did you get the seeds for your lupin "Manhattan lights?"… I've been looking, but no luck finding seeds… thank you for your time:-)