At any given time, accidents happen. Be smart in how you dress to work a farmstead. It isn’t bikini’s, flip flops, tank tops and shorts or even skirts in most cases! Working with even simple equipment or garden work requires appropriate attire. Take it from me. Your health and sustainability rely on it. It’s as simple as that.
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Vetericyn Wound Care Spray:
~ Mortar & Pestle:
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Thanks for sharing your story, it's a great reminder.
Thank goodness it was not worse.
Excellent advice! Thank You! Glad you are ok! It is storming here on Oregon Coast first big one of the season. All my barnyard animals first big storm. Huggable turkey named Lena. She has never seen me all dressed up in rain gear, with hood & gloves. Being her protective normal self.. she freaked out when she saw me.. thought I was an intruder and hackled up like a big Tom and nailed my face with both feet. I pulled that hood & the gloves off as fast as I could and calmed her and we did our normal hugs. She calmed right down once she realized it was me all was fine.. things like this happen.. my face will heal with the ointment & she is ok too.. so, like you, we also got lucky. She did not get my eyes! whew.. close call there.
Glad you will be alright, stay safe
Enjoy your vids. Also, love all your fencing. We know from experience that it's HARD work, especially around our rocky area. I usually wear steel-tipped boots and always carry my cell when working outside. It's too far to crawl for help. So thankful you can learn and teach from this terrible experience.
So, what all this screams to me is first aid first aid first aid! Please tell us about your supplies any training that you've had where did you get your training that's one thing that worries me more than anything else on the homestead thank you.
Our old neighbors wear long sleeve shirts jeans boots and big sun hats it'll be 90 out and they still wear those clothes while there doing there yard work and one of them has a big vineyard he works. I told my children when they ask why they dressed like that I said to keep the sun off and to protect there body as much as possible from accidents. Glad it wasn't worse.
Great warning. I can see myself doing the same kinda thing. I get a bit complacent in certain parts of my life! I love that you share your life and emotions. Aloha Kim
You know, I found a bag of used needles, my Step-Dad was diabetic. A BAG OF USED NEEDLES!! Buried up near the garden! I've never found any more, thank the Lord!! Be careful out There! Bee Blessed Danny and Rita in TN on Rooster's Ridge
Glad to hear you'll be okay. Girlie, you're correct…wearimg the appropriate clothing, shoes, and or equipment is necessary for your healthy, and well being.
You're So right! I love you so much. Take care of yourself.
This applies to Children also, I have watched videos of people living on a farm, and the kids are running around with no shoes, yes while the father is doing pallet work, in the garden, and they are in the woods that always amazed me.
Thank you for the reminder about getting ready before going out to work on my property. Love and will always remember your saying about "work like a man, dress like one."
God bless, I hope you heal quickly!
Oh my P atra you've got to be careful.
I’m so glad you’re ok, I appreciate your advice! You’d think we’d learn! huh? seems like I learn the hard way to many times! Must be why my kids won’t let me have a ladder! ha!!
Good advice
Get well soon and be extra careful!!
Narrow legged pants, wide leg pants get caught. Learned the hard way
you are wise, bless your heart.
Hope your all ok…8/11/20
Where did you get your cattle panels?
My optometrist fussed when I went to have my eyes checked last summer and she firmly told me to weR sunglasses and a cap or hat to help my eyes. I do all my gardening n lawn mowing by myself cuz I enjoy it n my husband hates it…I can't tell you the times I've been weedeating n have a sharp rock pop my legs so yes…by all means dress appropriately.
So glad you are ok.
We love you
Thank you for the heads up for extra caution…