We are taking the leap into regular vlogging, and to start, today I’m walking you around our small farm! Here’s a look at our garden, chickens and goats and a little bit of what you can look forward to on our channel.
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And now we have Alpacas! 19/06/2019
Feeling lazy today so I'm going to binge watch your videos. Starting from the start!
This was so fun to watch!! The beginning of one of my fav channels. My how you have grown!! In soooooo many ways xox
These older videos are fun to watch! I actually went way back so I could see what soil mix you use in your raised beds since I could not find anything you’ve ever posted on that. Pretty much got my answer I think. Would like to see more on that though. Peace
It's amazing to look back on these old videos and see how far you've come. Y'all are awesome!
Great intro. Nice to see you take the leap!
Jess you have come a long way! Your hair is long!
I am obsessed with your channel and want to see all your videos!
I can’t believe your garden was much smaller before. I love the before and now garden

I loved this video
Watching some of the "beginning" videos. Still trying to decide on whether I want to dive into the "homesteading endeavor "
So fun to go back many years to see how much incredible work you all have done with Roots & Refuge. Wow, you had A LOT of chickens back then. And some of the goats you still have, so much more grown up now — so sweet to see. Congrats Jess & Miah — you have done so much good work. You haven't even started your regular sign-off yet; the very early days.
i JUST wanted to say that when i searched for 'cattle panel' yellow squash, green zucchini, watermelons, etc. I did not watch your 1st video because it was 20 minutes plus. BIG MISTAKE, WOW!! YOU, YOUR MEN, YOUR FARM ARE REAL. real people. growing real vegetables. love the zip ties. love the honesty. love the family, friend love. you all are REAL. i may not hit subscribe. but i remember Roots and Refuge Farm to search super cool CATTLE PANEL growing veggies. keep doing what you are doing. please do not ever stop. james laing. thank you.
So fun to go back to the "beginning" and see how far the farm has come! Thankful you decided to take the leap — I have learned so much from your channel and am cultivating my new love of gardening.
My goodness those boys have grown so much in 3 years. I have two boys and a girl 6, 5, and 4 years old and thats just so much more change than im ready to see in them lol
wow, your property has changed a lot. It used to have so many more trees. I guess you need to cut them down for your farm animals. It sure has changed a bunch.
Wow, just came across this video in december 2020 (I watch your videos regularly in 2020) so nice to see the gosts of gardening past!!! Sorry, it's Crhistmas Time!
… I'm looking forward to your first and new book… It's realy nice to get a glimps "Au Commencement" … Bless You All! 
I was not ready for 3:02 of this! I love the before view of the garden space! Did you find out your soil through a professional test? We’ve lived in our home for a few years and I don’t know if our soil has been tested.
WOW…I've been watching you recently and decided to go back and see where you started. Wow, you have done so much in such a short time. Impressive
Dear Jessica; Is this the video you say you starded your you tube channel with?? Greetings and G'D BLESS from Inge Noordam (the Netherlands/Europe)
OMG…I missed this video from years past! Great video