May 19, 2024

VIDEO: My first ever rant video.


Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: My first ever rant video.

  1. The grass and hay that grass-fed beef have been eating could possibly be sprayed with grazon. People pay extra money to buy grass fed because they think it’s healthier than conventional fed beef. But, I question the honesty of the producers. I bought straw from a local farmer to mulch my garden and questioned him about if he had sprayed an herbicide on it. He lied and said no he hadn’t. Well, my beautiful garden proved otherwise. It was ruined. Luckily I planted in containers and not in the ground. People are so greedy these days.

  2. thank you Jess!
    we do all need to be the David in the Goliath situation.
    with God all things are possible!
    i am looking forward to learning how to heal my bit of ground along with you.

  3. Yes , IT's true , no matter what some people think or say , our government is purposely contaminating our , AIR, WATER ,SOIL AND FOOD . Besides the fact that they are connected in some way to all the food plants being burned down or destroyed , this is not just happening ,They are killing our food supply , injecting our animals and injecting us .Wake up people .We can turn it all around if we stop believing all the BS that they are feeding us .

  4. Yeah it's not a conspiracy theory. I think this is too much of a coincidence to not have been purposefully done to make it harder for people to grow their own groceries so they have to pay the inflated prices at the grocery store. I mean, it makes sense, it "helps the economy recover". Why is it exactly this year that there's this widespread herbicide damage happening all over the world? Exactly on the year when all prices are through the roof?
    I hope you find a solution to break through this.

  5. Oh Jess. Firstly hugs. For the loss of your plants.
    And now charge forward. See the battle and step up… and believe that we step forward with you. It may only be one stone in your slingshot, but it only takes one shot to slay the giant.
    Thanks to your voice and your passion there are many more slingshots being made ready, all round the world. From my little patch in the U.K., I’m standing with you, slingshot at the ready. Thank you for continuing to be the voice of quiet revolution. Our children will grow strong from our gardens and change the future.
    Hugs x

  6. Oh Jess, I know you want to fix this but that's not how this chemical works. It stops the plants from absorbing any nutrients. It is like you have swallowed a poison that will damage your bowels, you want to get it out of your system ASAP not drink more tea to dilute it. It has to be taken away, and then the soil remaining needs to be healed as it is already washed down through the ground. Compost tea will not resolve it or we'd all have been ok. Instead, even when it was removed after being on the ground for 3 months, it took my plot 3 years to recover, and even then the raspberries which had only been mulched for 3 months, never grew properly again. My plot never, ever got to the same level as it was and I ended up raking the whole lot flat, putting all raised beds [pallet collars] on top of weed fabric and buying 8 tonnes of fresh topsoil from a known supplier and growing in that. If this was my plot right now, having lived through this, I'd scrape the soil down to a foot below ground level and then bring your own topsoil from your own plot in and just start again. In another garden, I was growing with a school in a sports centre garden and they sprayed the grass once – just once. I used to use the grass clippings to mulch tomatoes, and just one mulch with treated grass [not manure, not through an animal] killed all the plants and I knew what had happened as in just a week they went from healthy to mangled. And that's just a mulch with clippings.

  7. It hurt my heart to see your pain in this video, Jess, but I’m with Will. So many need to know how to deal with this, and you are clearly being given the opportunity to help. Thanks for your heart and determination.

  8. Bless you Jess! I’m very sorry about what happened to your high tunnel garden! Thank you for your rant and your truth. Here’s another raindrop kernel suggestion to help your poisoned soil, check out Paul Stamets and his work on mycoremediation. He’s a premier mycological wizard here in Washington state. He “ taught” oyster mycelium to breakdown or eat the petroleum and diesel in a pile of saturated soil during a scientific challenge over 15 years ago. Mycelium are earth’s composters. There may be a mycelium that could break down the poison in that contaminated soil. Read about Paul, his company is Fungi Perfecti, he’s written many books on fungi, contact him. Perhaps he could suggest a species of mushroom that may help. I hope you find a solution to this problem and good for you to be trying! We all must do the best we can for our earth and each other.

  9. Conspiracy theory! The answer given for all things that people don't want to deal with – that's a lazy response of those who don't (or won't) do research for themselves and just repeat parrot fashion! LOL!
    A couple of years ago my beans were contaminated and I didn't want to eat them or save the seeds – I removed the plants. Fortunately it was the last lot of compost that we bought in and only affected a small patch of ground. I follow Charles Dowding and I was aware of the damage being caused as it seemed to occur at the same time – didn't think that organic compost would have been contaminated in a million years. I followed his advice by growing vegetables that were immune to the aminopyralids in the affected beds. That reduces the strength of the poisons further. This is now my 3rd year and whilst I haven't planted beans in there yet, the peas are looking good with no sign of curling leaves and stunted growth. Last year I lost the plot in myself, the weather was so bad, the weeds grew and it all got on top of me and I almost gave up – but I think the weeds actually helped to clean that soil. I hope they have, and as a result been more fired up this year to succeed by making deep beds – so far so good.
    I did contact the company that produces the poisons – they requested photos which I had taken. They agreed that my plants were poisoned but denied it was anything to do with them and I gave the name of the company that supplied the compost to me at their request. I did notify the compost company but heard nothing more from either party. I haven't used them since.

    I wish you all the best and hope that your soil recovers quickly. xxx

  10. I don’t know if it would work here, but sunflowers have a rep for removing toxins from the soil, including radioactive contamination. I wouldn’t use your good sunflowers from Sunflower Steve just in case, but if you get a big bag of birdseed sunflower seeds and grow them then if it works, you have less toxic soil plus the birds will love you for the seeds. Burn the plants when they’re done tho.

  11. Jess, I am a 77 year old widow who started watching you several years ago and you and your family have been such a blessing in my life. I now have a small herb garden on my back porch. I am amazed that it is really thriving. I plan on expanding it. Into food. As I watch your life and God's hand on you I am so encouraged to make those little decisions that I felt were no longer available to me. My health and finances seemed insurmountable but that is not truth. Thank you for being a voice to those without hope . You have become my family. I don't feel alone or Useless anymore. You have been more significant in my life than any other person my entire life.

  12. ♥️♥️ You go girl!!.. Listen!! I have always known you to take the high road!, so why should this time be any different?! Only you can decide what the right thing is, to do in your book, not us. For you, the right thing to do, is to leave the soil and figure out a way to give its life back, so that your plants will flourish, and I DONT MIND SAYING, loud and clear, that I COMMEND YOU FOR IT!! I could tell the moment I first saw your face, that you had been extremely upset about something, and most likely had been crying, and that just pissed me off!! (Not because you were upset, and rightly so!, but because cruel hearted people, were at it again!) I knew right away, inevitably, rude comments had got the better of you. It pisses me off to no end that people have to take your SWEET SOUL, and twist everything you do or say around, and insinuate that you could be harming your kids, family and friends, if they were to eat what comes out of that garden!! I could be wrong, but I don’t think that I’m wrong in saying, that the ones that are saying this stuff, have not been around very long, have no idea about you and what you stand for, and don’t stand for. They truly don’t know, or can’t fathom, that if you had even the slightest inkling, that anything at all that comes out of that garden, could even hint at the idea, that the food could be in any way poisonous, or truly harmful to ANY HUMAN BEINGS, that you wouldn’t hesitate in the blink of an eye, to burn the plants, and to discard of any and all soil, wash every pot that it came in contact with…etc. !!!!! Those people for whatever reason cannot see into your soul Jess, anymore than they can grasp the fact of the poisons they themselves, AND THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, have ingested over their lifetimes. If I am wrong, and they are long time viewers, then shame on them, and the high horses they rode in on. How could they think such things?!! You would THINK, especially in these days and times, that they would be grateful to learn along with you, in solving this mystery, because this could be a VERY COSTLY MISTAKE to correct for many many people., but priceless info, if you could figure out what caused it, and how to rectify it! What if one of us, found ourselves in the same situation, but didn’t have the guarantee of a great company, willing to refund our money and bite the cost themselves?? No one could afford to replace their soil, and at that point, we would have to try to do SOMETHING, to rectify the problem ourselves , or STARVE, and if many MANY INDIVIDUALS AND SITUATIONS in this world don’t correct and right themselves, it could be closer than any one of us could imagine. It is getting worse every single day!! I know it is very hard to have a thick skin in the public eye, and at the same time, stand up for what you believe in, protect your good name and your businesses, and worry about everything you do, say, and every little hair out of place. All of that is exhausting, while adding every day life on to it all. It becomes unbearable though, and extremely disheartening, and absolutely maddeningly frustrating, when you are forced to have to defend it all, either because what you present, could be taken the wrong way, or plainly stated…people can’t think for themselves!!, so they don’t move on, or unsubscribe when they disagree with you. This isn’t an option in their book. I would love to know when it became a crime, to actually put problem solving, and critical thinking to use? , to not throw the baby out with the bath water?, to not spend more money than needed to solve and fix a problem, if you could actually find the answer? Jess, can you imagine how your public would react, if every time you faced a problem in one of your gardens, to throw up your hands, scrap it all, start from square one, and call it a day?! It wouldn’t go well, and you know that, and that is one of many reasons you have stood your ground, once again. We tune in all of the time, for your advice, your experience, trials, successes, fails, and everything else imaginable going on in your lives, which has turned out to be so interesting, and never boring. I’m proud of you!!, and all 99.9% of us are proud of you!! All you need to keep going, is to be you, and never falter. You already have the winning recipe, there is no need to look any further, to have everyone’s approval, or try to please them all. I truly hope you get to read this message, and that this message finds you in a better place, and space! ❤️❤️

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