A hawk came went after a few birds in the food forest, but then three bluejays stepped up to chase the hawk away.
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AMAZING Garden, Back To Eden: https://youtu.be/Dt7urHxXIQM
Epic Permaculture Food Forest: https://youtu.be/S2NmD0sQgh4
nice catch, i love seeing nature work in the food forest. i liked the shots from above, nice perspective
That was so cool! I could never react fast enough to film them – the other day a hawk was chasing rat in the desert and I missed it
Hmm….one blue jay wouldn't be a problem but three! That hawk feels like its surrounded and is dealing with other birds that are almost the same size of it.
Cool vid bros! You guys have got a great thing going on there! enjoy
Looks like a young peregrine falcon. Super cool shot
It's a falcon, not a hawk.