June 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Pineapples at Home Fast n Easy

Rooting and growing pineapple tops is easy. Once you bring your pineapple home, cut off the leafy top about half an inch below the leaves. Then remove some of the lowest leaves. Trim off the outer portion of the pineapple top at the bottom of the crown, or stem, until you see root buds. These should resemble small, brown-colored bumps around the stem’s perimeter. Allow the pineapple top to dry for 2-3 days prior to planting. This helps the top to heal, discouraging problems with rotting.
Daizz’s tips:-
Step 1: Take a Fresh Pineapple

Step 2: Twist the pineapple crown off from the fruit

Step 3: Remove Leaves from Stalk

Step 4: Allow Stalk to Dry

Step 5: Plant Pineapple Stalk

Step 6: Water Pineapple Stalk

Step 7: Re pot Pineapple Plant

Please subscribe to this beautiful channel … Have a look guys ..all videos are very beautiful…:)
CHANNEL LINK:-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvoqgfbi1_FnDx_DEppjK_Q

Buddha by Kontekst https://soundcloud.com/kontekstmusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/b6jK2t3lcRs

Music by BENSOUND http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/64cvDqZPkos

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Pineapples at Home Fast n Easy

  1. Bro its crazy how many ppl are wanting to grow pineapple bro. You can't blame any of us bc it's an amazing fruit and pretty easy to take care of and grow but it's crazy how all 1.4million of us watched this specific video

  2. I read somewhere recently pineapples should be planted in pairs for pollination, but I've seen people get pineapples when planted solo. Any reason or benefit to planting solo or in pairs?

  3. Dear urban gardening I am your fan but there is a problem you never answer questions dough you tell in the videos please answer I asked you in wich climate does it grow I am sure I will not get reply of this question I complain this to the customer care of YouTube

  4. I think I kinda did it wrong. I took the pineapple part off, but there was still kinda a yellow prove at the bottom of the stem. I tried to use my hands instead of a knife to deattach it, and I kinda took off half the stem. But it actually split in half on that spot. So now it’s like I have half of where the roots grow I think, slanted upwards as well. I feel like this will still grow but I’m not sure

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