You would have thought the world stopped spinning when I installed our raised beds directly on green living grass. The internet lost it’s mind.
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that sarcasm when looking at the first bed was freaking awesome!
Not if you have Bermuda
I'm more shocked that anyone would think grass and weeds would really b e able to traverse through an entire foot of soil. Like, just giving it the eye test and some common sense would dictate that nothing is growing up through that lol.
But have you accounted for the Japanese knot weed?
How do you keep the animals out of you gardens!
I guess this doesn’t work with Bermuda? Maybe you mention it but I missed it? So I followed this advice with 4 new beds and a year on I’ve got a real disaster to deal with. Now do I pull all soil out and spend hours weeding and tilling or can I cover it all with thick black plastic and throw away my spring season
Open to any suggestions
I wish I would have known as a new gardener that I am, that Bermuda grass is not “City grass” which I thought it was since I do live in the city!!
I’ve been following and learning from Luke a ton, however I planted 4 garden beds on top of Bermuda grass after watching this video and to say that I’m really thinking about quitting gardening because of this is an understatement!
I’m not sure what to do I just cannot keep up with the weeding and it’s only the beginning of spring does anyone have any suggestions, like should I remove all the dirt and all the garden beds and start from scratch???
Thanks for answering my “beginner gardener”question
I saw this video, figured I'd give it a shot. 9" of soil. I'm currently digging up all my beds and starting over. Maybe I'm just unlucky, with beastly razor grass. FML
I have done that, but I had grass grow into the edges of the bed, like up the side. How do you prevent that?
Alternative Title: Luke gets sassy at uninformed comments.
Hey, Luke, you don't need to justify yourself to anyone. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Any tips for creating a raised bed where bamboo has been removed but keeps trying to come back?
Luke seems worked up in this video
What are your recommendations for grass such as zoysia/ st augustine?. I tried placing a bed directly on grass without a barrier and it took over the bed completely. For my other beds I've been removing the grass completely and put a weed barrier down and that seems to work.
Lol my neighbour called me a nut bar when I did the same. He changed his tune later that summer hahaha
Tnx for that. I just bought raised and really didn't want to til! So taking your advice!!
I wouldn't worry about weeds or grass, but isn't it better for the roots of your vegetables if the ground underneath is cultivated?
It's all good unless you have violets! Freaking crazy to get rid of
Weed fabric, bark and you're sorted.
And p/s age is just a number? Yh, try telling that to my bones
Good video
But did you have Bermuda grass present !!!
Clover is awesome. It fixes nitrogen in the soil and bees love clover too. I would never cover clover on purpose
In my honest, novice, newbie gardener's opinion, how is grass gonna grow through 9 inches of soil? With no sun? I was planning on doing the same thing myself.
If I have voles in my yard should I place down fabric under my raised beds? I'm not worried about grass or weeds just voles destroying my veggies next year
Thanks for your very informative message in gardening. All blessings from Ireland
I'm lmao. Prior to watching you..I would have lost it too. I so love learning so much from you
There is no way the grass is going to get through that deep of a raised bed.