Today on Allotment Grow How, we go out and about and visit a Pick Your own strawberry farm. Punnets at the ready, LETS GO!!!
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#pickyourown #strawberries
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what a great way to grow strawberries. Thanks for showing us.
I hope you saved some for the Bunnies
Wow, that's great. Say, how much would they charge to pick a punnet of those strawberries? would love to have a go myself. Great video by the way. Mojo xxx
Now that's a great way to grow strawberries. No bending; no scuffed knees, either.
Thanks for sharing! The strawberries looked yummy! I wish I had one of those nurseries nearby my home. I know I would be a frequent visitor! Hope you enjoyed the strawberries!
Take care! Amy
hello adam were the strawberries hydroponic ?
Now that is the way to pick strawberries Adam. Never had that way of picking, picked them as you did in your younger years, on the ground on my knees picking through the plants.
Love strawberries and cream or ice cream or on cakes with whip cream
What a beautiful day and that fruit farm is so picture perfect. How do they set up those raised strawberry rows? One cannot walk through a strawberry field without sampling the product. I love everything strawberry so your tour was much appreciated. Thanks, Steve
Never mind strawberry fields Adam, get back in yer allotment and sort "death row" and your rabbits out
Delish mate, mouthwateringly sublime. No rabbits were injured in the making of this video. Come to think about no rabbits were injured in any of your previous vids either. I like the growing of them in the air, food for thought that. Now get back to your allotment Elmer. J. Fudd and sort out those damn wabbits!
Hi, Adam! They really have a lot of money in there set up. It looks like gutters they grow in. I have never been to a picking farm. Other than apples, when I was a kid. You got a good amount.
Best wishes. E
Its an unwritten rule that you have to fill your face with as many as you can whilst filling the punnets lol
I did that years ago. Around here the strawberries are grown on the ground. Those looked great. Have a great day. Best wishes Bob.
Hi Adam, they certainly looked delicious and mouth watering. I hear that your sis and family are going there this afternoon, so they will get their bellies full as well. See you soon. Dave.
lovely update thank you for sharing Adam
Hey Adam! My first job was strawberry picking and I failed miserably at it… lol. We have a strawberry farm next door (practically) and they still grow in the ground on mounds but I like this method better. Good to see it has stopped raining – my wife and I will be visiting the UK early next month looking forward to some fresh strawberries and cream! Nice sunnies mate
Very interesting way to keep the critters off the berries. Looked like a great harvest! Ate my first fresh one yesterday, so seeing you sample as you go made me smile:) Have a great day Adam, thanks for the vid
Got a plot and buy strawberries , I'd be ashamed
What is there to not like about strawberries. I picked the last of my crop today. Have to look into later fruiting varieties. Even before you uploaded this fruitful video I have been thinking about elevating some planters. I looked at my 12 x 4 bed and thought what a waste this bed will remain dormant now till October but at £3.00 a kilo it has paid for its self and its cost me nothing all the plants taken from runners. Only yesterday I was offered some runners What are they says I? Don,t know says he. Give it a miss says I but not Adams next video and this one gets a thumbs up Take care and enjoy those Strawbs Mike B
Reading the other posted comments.DON'T LET THOSE RABBITS WIN. Now I have resorted to shouting that's bad form that is.
never been strawberry picking before, but that might be a good idea to grow some along a fence. Maybe my strawberries are going to take a new direction
I tried that here two years ago with rain gutters. It just gets to hot here without enough rain to be productive. Six or seven weeks where it never gets below 78F at night is a little hard to keep watered. Even with one liter water bottles every two or three plants. Great vid. They have a nice set-up. You do know you can freeze those in sugar, right?
When does the Strawberry picking season end Adam?
Were those strawberries growing hydroponically? It would be nice to get an overview of that whole system. Defeats the rabbits and the slugs, but what about the birds