June 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Preserve Mangoes by Drying in a Dehydrator – with Special TIP

This is how we preserve mangoes when we have too many to eat fresh. Dehydration is our preferred method because the pieces of dried mango can be used for kids snacks, added to breakfast cereals, and many other uses.
The bagging video mentioned is here: https://youtu.be/dERblAPWai0
Buy a dehydrator on Amazon: https://bit.ly/2sWaQOF
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Preserve Mangoes by Drying in a Dehydrator – with Special TIP

  1. Hi mark, Do you need to put the dried mangoes in a special place to prevent it from going moldy? I live in a tropical climate & things gets moldy fast . Also can i dry it under the sun cos I dont have a dehydrator. Tks

  2. your voice and your videos are so zen, I watch them to unwind and of course learn something new … can't say that I like this music in the background sorry!

  3. Is it to hot where you live for composting worms? I hear the African composting worm works well in hot environments. I don't recall seeing you do any videos on vermicomposting. Have you considered trying it, if you aren't already doing vermicomposting? They make very quick work of plant based food scraps, and the results from using the worm castings is like nothing I've ever seen in my life of Horticulture and Arboriculture studies or experience 🙂 Cheers!

  4. Mark, I love how your dog (Scooter, if I recall correctly) manages to be in almost if not all your videos <3 hehehe min 3:00

    Here I just slice the mangoes and stick them in a sealed container in the freezer so that I can use them for smoothies 🙂

  5. I've been watching your videos for the last few days. Love em and am now a subscriber, still haven't got though all your video but was curious. Do you brew alcohol such a beer or wine?

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