June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Potato Reveal – Allotment Grow How

The hot weather that we’ve had recently has finally broke and for once I am happy for it to rain (saves my arms on the watering cans). The first potatoes of the season are revealed and I’m fairly happy with the results.
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#potatoreveal #sweetpotato

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Potato Reveal – Allotment Grow How

  1. I've also decided to try growing sweet potatoes for the first time this year. Planted a seedling up at the allotment about 6 weeks ago. Didn't seem to do much for a while but really starting to grow out now. Would be interested to compare notes as the season progresses.

  2. Hi Adam, interested in the potato reveal we do see a number of them ,like a ritual but what I want to no is how do they taste? and how do they cook? Tried Rocket this year in 10" pots did not taste so good or as good as our favourite Nadine. Now I have a poly tunnel will start to grow melons again. After a few years of failure hit on success with the number 4. 4 plants, 4 branches, 4 leaves per branch, 4 fruits per plant allowed to germinate. Not read anything, don't know the science but for me success. There is a great kick when you walk into the greenhouse I to smell a freshly ripened Melon, the search to find it and the joy of the taste when found. Enjoy Mike B

  3. Fab vid as usual, Adam! A modest but satisfying return on your spud investment!

    Now. Zinnias. Nice. As I'm sure you know, 2017 is The Year Of The Zinnia. I love them. Been growing them successfully for years. Until this year. Really struggled to get germination, and then one night after rain the slugs hit them. About a dozen plants have survived. For me, it's been NOT The Year Of The Zinnia.

    If I have one piece of advice to offer anyone growing Zinnias from seed, it's to protect against slugs.

    Thanks for sharing. Camerawork brilliant as always!

  4. Not a bad haul of spuds, I hoped you devoured some the day you tipped them out, always the best. Fingers crossed for you on the sweet potatoes, you appear to be doing everything right on that count. Watch those Lupins, they'll start growing a tap root and the pots may stifle their growth. I'll email about those. Another great vid mate, talk soon.

  5. HI Adam, I am also growing sweet potato for the first time, Ihave 2 plants which I bought and are growing them in potato buckets in a plastic greenhouse, but also 2 from slips which I started and am growing them outside also in potato buckets/ There are quite a few people growing them for the first time so will be interesting to see how everybody gets on

  6. Hello Adam. I find that showers don't wet the pot rather they wet the leaves. Sun and wind can quickly dry a pot out. I like to get round with the watering can directed onto the top of the compost, not over the plant. Nice clean return. Quality trumps quantity and day of the week. HGV

  7. A nice haul of potatoes Adam. You could have left them in the ground a bit longer. Your mini greenhouse has lot of interesting seedlings and I hope the sweet potatoes turns out OK. Cheers Patrick

  8. Those lupins look about the size of the ones I planted last year, and I could never have believed they would be so big and have so many flower stalks in year 2!! What a great perennial nitrogen fixer! I'll never have a garden space without these again. Those potatoes looked to be about perfect new potato size. Harvest looked successful from here:))

  9. Those were some nice looking potatoes! Similar to the ones we got recently. The smaller ones come in handy for some things. We like to use them with green beans sometimes.

  10. Hi Adam, another good update. Good luck with the pumpkin plant. Mine are going like the clappers now that it has got warmer. Don't forget they need plenty of water. Dave.

  11. Hi Adam tell you buying seed potatoes is a no no with me rip off this year one shop potato from Asda two seed potatoes….one potato in each pot all in three 10in pots good compost mix all the right stuff mixed up … the seed pots gave about 1 lb each ….. Asda's own… over 2lb unbelievable and they aren't a bad tasting potato at all …Worth a look into i would say…. keeps the cost down a bit Adam i do like your presentation keen like your style good luck with every project ………….Ed

  12. I have trouble growing sweet potatoes in Sydney, Australia. I did see a YouTube video recently and they had used black plastic over the soil with holes in it for the slips, so I will be trying that in spring/summer. In Sydney they seem to need a longer growing time than in warmer areas of Australia, like Queensland. Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. good morning Adam !! have you ever thought that the rabbits have a burrow under your shed so you'll never going to get rid of the rabbits unless you move the shed ??? just a thought !!! nice looking seedlings and plants you got there bud !! grow room looking great too !! great results with the potato reveal, there's a couple of good feeds at least !! thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences and as always happy growing !!

  14. I'm sorry to have to disagree with you my friend but I'm going to have to – it's not ''mildly'' exciting …. it's wildly exciting lol … exactly like finding gold nuggets ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the excitement of potato reveals – you have to wait quite a while and really have no idea how well or badly they're doing until the reveal ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the very definition of excitement lol ๐Ÿ™‚ Great video and enjoy those spuds ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Hey Adam, I love Envy Zinina's, I've been growing them for a few years now. At least you have an alternate place to plant out the beans. Cool on the Ogen (HaOgen) melon, I'm growing it for the first time this year as well. It has great reviews, I hope I get one to harvest and like it. Nice potato harvest… ๐Ÿ™‚ T

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