Let’s go over the main signs of calving! By the looks of things, it won’t be too long for Miss Belle after all! Let’s look and go over all of this!
Enjoy & thank you for watching! xo
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~ Keeping a Family Cow: http://amzn.to/2jf42pZ
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:http://amzn.to/2iXZQuI
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~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal: http://amzn.to/2iBy2sf
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~Vetrx: http://amzn.to/2iPA7oU
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~PROBIOS Powder: http://amzn.to/2iPDXOO
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Wonderful video Patara. Very informative. You definitely have a gift of teaching
Thanks for sharing.
Awww! Wish I could give her lotsa brushing!!
Yay! waiting to see the calf!!
Good luck on the approaching birth.
love the overalls
I learn a lot from your video's. Great!! Thx!!
Fascinating! Love the country education.
CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to see a new baby!
My Dad always seemed to know exactly when he should call out the vet to have our cows inseminated. One time though he missed that our old cow Bernadette was ready. As he was walking out of the field he suddenly found himself with a hoof on each of his shoulders and old Bernadette walking behind him. Why that didn't hurt him he didn't know but let me tell you the vet visited that evening, lol!
Awesome! When I went to MOO U (Michigan State University), we had a class where we took turns as students and recorded everything about the cow (steer) we were assigned to. I even drew the holstein steer due to the excitement and he only peed once and pooed twice during my 8 hour bliss watch… That steer had a window surgically inserted into his rumen and one could see the washing machine going. There were two of these guys and samples of rumen stuff could be sampled at anytime. That window allowed that steer to live his life out. By the time it was over, I even learned to move my jaw and mimic the rumination… LOL Working on the MSU Dairy, the cows were all AIed and we knew when they were calving. I spent many hours on HEAT CHECK, recording who was doing what with who and that info was used to line the girls up with the proper AI sire. We never had a bull on the MSU Dairy Farm when I was there. The AI catalog was really cool, like looking for the perfect husband for your cow with probabilities to the traits one wanted to improve. OK getting crazy here. But the AI program really improved cattle quickly. Anyway, cows and goats are very similar in their prepartum ritual. Thanks for the great video… Calve on Girl…
Patera Thank you sooo very much for all your teachings!! I just LOVE THEM!!!
My question is what is bagging up? Does it mean her milk bag fills up big time? Robin
love your vids! If she wasn't bred, wouldn't she still come into heat every month, or does she only come into heat in the fall?
Hi Patera, I love your videos! When she does calf, do you keep the calf on mom, bottle feed or sell the calf? I am curious.
Got out first milk cow
did anyone see the chicken get humped
Time sure fly's. Doesn't seem like that long ago that you picked her up from the breeders.
Is it possible that they won't tell you when they're ready to calve? Like besides bagging up?
your a good momma, Bell knows she can count on you for some tlc
What a beautiful, sweet natured cow! I would say you also Patara, have the gift of lovin'….your animals know that you love and respect them. That is just as important as anything else.
Great video! Very informative for sure!
Your video is very informative and as a cow owner in the Philippines you really informed me in you way
Thanks for the great video! How soon did she give birth after this video was made?
Very informative. Thanks