September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Groceries for the Month of June

Groceries for the month of June. We spent $62.03 for food for the month of June. We have spent $604.89 for the year. This brings us to an average of $100.82 per month for food. Our goal for the year is $100.00 per month on average!!

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Groceries for the Month of June

  1. ewwww organic sour heads that don't even sound right…I am gonna have to mail them kids up some candy and let them bounce off the walls for a few like the vid keep em coming

  2. What a great inspiration we wish we could do that we are trying hard to get there, some months are better than other. During the summer it's easier with all the fresh produce and it looks like we are going to be able to put up enough to get us through the winter months. And this year we are going to have the hoop greenhouse to grow this winter. It what a wonderful haul Y'all had, great job guys. Just a heads up we are getting lose to the end of the carousel Package so make sure you give your viewers the heads up to be part of the prize drawing at the end they have to sub all channels that have received the Package to be part in the drawing. And the discount for all the want to get one of the Whirlypop popcorn poppers. That's for what you do and God Bless Y'all.

  3. You shopping choices make sense, oil and salad dressing for those who eat a LOT of salads plus canning supplies. The Friday free thing, so is there a place at Kroger where they have a "free" bin, or is it a coupon? How do you get things for free. You know what I did not see? I did not see ANY sugar! I know I brought this up earlier that I saw a lot of sugar, but now none? I hope that is not because of me!!!!!

  4. Nice to see your on pace to meet your budget goal of $100 per month!! Enjoy your summer break!! Looking forward to watching updates on the catfish and the rest of your backyard homestead!!

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