March 27, 2025

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Build / Grow / Repair Soil. With Winter Rye, Buckwheat & Dry Beans for Organic Gardening

  1. I have planted red kidney beans several times. Haven't planted them yet this year but need to get them in! They do wonderfully. The only thing I don't like is shelling them by hand. the dried bean shell tends to cut my hands. lol gloves are recommended or perhaps you have a sheller.

  2. Mark I would like to plant winter rye in my pasture I am converting to a veggie garden.
    What is the best way to get the seed in the ground? It is not bare soil…
    Last spring I planted a cover crop of daikon radish, hairy vetch, field peas and oats and just terminated them so I could put 70 Cornish cross chickens and turkeys on the area for the next 5 weeks until they are processed.

  3. I'm growing a few chickpeas (garbanzo beans), more out of curiosity than anything, but I intend to try to grow far more types of beans for drying. Those black beans look wonderful.

  4. Dry beans, field peas… I had a gardening mentor years ago who introduced me to Red Ripper peas, Lady peas, crowder peas and I've always included them in my garden. They produce like crazy once they start and you can eat the immature pod like a green bean, they tell me. I make field peas and cornbread that you don't even miss the meat, it makes for a delicious and satisfying dinner. This year I'm growing Fordhook bush limas and the Lady peas. I preserve and can them. Good luck! and thanks for the great info you put out.

  5. how do i get rid of Bermuda grass? solarization? black tarp? cage over area with a couple rabbits? the area is only 3 feet by 6 feet. i cant till because the area is small and surrounded by concrete. im scared to dig up all the Bermuda because idk if there are any pipes are wires in the area.

  6. Can you do a video on how to use the inoculant properly? I screwed up a few weeks ago with inculating my summer cover crops. I can't find any good videos on it.

  7. Love your videos Mark. Gotta try more beans next year. Thanks as always. My garden with its eclectic permaculturish layout has been a success except for the brassicas. Even the test hugelkulture
    Mound is a success with corn, squash (yellow and spaghetti) the dill farm and peppermint pot.

  8. This is first time I am growing black eye beans but its not for shelling, the only bean we used to cook in Pakistan. Locally it's known as lobia.

    Re: Buckwheat, I did grow some for micro-greens but I could not harvest on time.
    I heard we can consume mature leaves as well. What do you think about it.

  9. I had to stop the video I was laughing so hard. You always seem so serious – so -Your lighthearted approach with high speed shoot and perfectly matched music was an unexpected delight.
    I've had a really rotten day and was about to go postal.. Then I got home, watched this and you made My weekend with that little bit of fun.
    Thank you !!!

  10. Hi Mark, thanks for all the valuable information you provide your viewers. I am originally from Cuba, we love black beans, red beans and I do particularly garbanzo beans. Are those dry black beans you planted like the ones we grew and can buy at groceries stores in the US? Today is 7.09.17 can I plant black beans and garbanzo beans now? Any and all advise will be very much appreciated. Thanks, José.

  11. I really want to try this at the Ag program our local high school has. Local volunteers adopt areas and keep things growing and maintained all summer. My area is squash and potatoes. Do you think that would give me enough time for the seeds (winter grains) to germinate ? Thank you for such great videos and inspiration 🙂

  12. Thanks for the great videos. I'm trying to find a video about watering the garden. I live in SE WA and we get about 8 inches of a rain a year. If I plant a cover crop, do I need to water it with a sprinkler or drip irrigation per plant is the best for the garden in my area?
    Thank you.

  13. I grow Snowcap and Bortorela beans on alternate years because I use them for seed as well. Both can be used as green or dried beans.    Saving my own seeds naturalizes them to my conditions.

  14. Mark, your videos have motivated me to try to build an organic garden. Recently retired, I am putting in 8 100’ rows, 4’ wide. This garden is being built in an area not used for growing anything other than grass for many years. My raised rows have been created and have been sown with a mix of winter rye and Austrian peas.

    Now, after several days the rye is up and the peas are starting to break ground. I’ve done this now, in October, hoping to have better, if not good, soil for planting veggies in the Spring.

    Here is my question. What do I do next? Is there a video? Thank you.

  15. are beans as good for the garden as sunflowers in terms of root structures ,i dont have a vast area but am looking at best options for cover crops and ground cultivation all together.i live in the uk by the way

  16. Mark, this planting was in July, did I understand correctly? If do, this single planting provided a crop of beans AND served as a winter cover crop? Or do I have it wrong? Thank you.

  17. Have u ever used buckwheat as a cover crop? If so have u had any problems with lygus bugs or root lesion nematodes? I read buckwheat harbors these pests. I’m wanting to use buckwheat as a cover crop but I’m scared that I’m going to introduce those nematodes. Awesome vid btw!

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