March 20, 2025

VIDEO: You'll never guess where my daughter loves to nap!

Vlog143. Big harvest day, turning over beds, checking on tomatoes and finding a place for Violet to nap! Buy flats here: Subscribe: | Follow my IG: @greencityacres
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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
Paper Pot Transplanter:
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Quick Cut Greens Harvester:
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: You'll never guess where my daughter loves to nap!

  1. Your daughter is adorable! She is about the age of my son. My wife and I are trying hard to build are at-home businesses so we can be with him at least until kindergarten. Running a business has been "working 80hrs to avoid working 40hrs" but it keeps the family together and is a wonderful life!

  2. Have you ever considered to mount that Quick Cut Greens Harvester on a dolly with wheels wide enough to straddle the bed? This would make the work more ergonomic and it would cut everything to the exact same height, provided your paths are level.

  3. Your daughter is such a cutie. It was great to see your video with Wranglestar and the veggie garden tour suggestions. Thank you for driving all the way out there to do the colaboration together. Hope you do a follow up on changes in the future.

  4. First of all thankyou as ever, excellent mentoring. Micro question – is your new mix a new product, ie peas, radish and sunflower shoots being separate products generally. I ask because my micro mix is similar to your 'new' one, but as I get better with radish especially it greatly increases the profitability because of the speed and yield, and so I reduce the slower/lower yield ones.

  5. Wonderful videos – as always. One small worry though…green house is designed to multiply what you plant/put in there to the best possible number…Violet may soon grow much faster than you had ever hoped. 🙂

  6. Just spread 1-2" of mulch over the entire area then use a very delicate rake and it'll expose the cut tops of the lettuce. Weeds abatement AND protection of the ground. The greens will pop right through the cover no probs.

  7. BTW, when a strip is ready to be pulled, instead cordon off the area with poultry net and put in chickens. They will totally pull out the plants, till and add their droppings for free! Plus you get eggs for your trouble. Every few feet add a pile of mulch and they'll spread that for you as well. Depending upon the area you allow them, you can have it ready to replant in about a month, no extra tilling, composting or weeding labor necessary.

  8. Why do these "TROLLS" give good videos a thumbs down ? I cant understand how anyone would waste there time to click thru great content just to be an a@#hole?
    Great stuff I now im probably asking "why is the sky blue" but seriously get a life
    Thank You for your endless supply of amazing content.
    Travis Johnson

  9. It might be an idea to lay a paper towel over the Amaranth seeds while they germinate so there's a bit of a barrier between them and the flat above them. So you don't have to monitor them as closely 🙂

  10. How well have the paper chains been breaking down with the paper pot? One thing i've been concerned about when thinking about getting a paper pot is that when I go to plant a crop later is that the chains won't have broken down.

  11. The plantings seem less dense than when you use the weed fabric. Maybe it's just the clip that makes it look like there is more spacing between plants. I personally am having problems with Green Salanova Crisp germinating lately. May be too hot – but am getting only 1 out of 10 popping up.

  12. Would love to see a board that someone could lay on (on their stomach), with large bike wheels, about 32-inches apart, where they could pull themselves forward over the bed and pull the weeds. Maybe you could invent one and sell it?

  13. Curtis you are the man!! Keep up the awesome work, you are a true inspiration!!! I have found that an effective way to make basil taller is keep it in the germination stage for as long as you need to get your desired height. Rock on man!!

  14. A year later and the trays are now $8.90 in packs of 10. Everything is going up. The economy is booming? On Amazon, I have a 30# bag of worm castings sitting in my shopping cart. I have been getting a notice almost everyday that the price has gone up $0.10…that is $3.00 per month.

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