March 27, 2025

VIDEO: The First Giant Crimson Tomato in 87 Years

giant crimson tomatoes had been bred out of existence by the more reliable beefsteak, and shelf friendly varieties in the early 1920’s and 30’s However a seed packet remained with seeds still enclosed, in a shadow box being used as decoration. We opened the seed packets, got a few to germinate but this was the only plant to survive the sprouting process. The plant is now alive, and producing, and we just got the ery first fruit to begin ripening.
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: The First Giant Crimson Tomato in 87 Years

  1. Great Video! Its fun bringing dinosaurs back! lol!

    Random off topic question… Have you ever tried growing Tomatoes Grafted on Potato plants to save space or as an experiment? Seems like it would be a cool idea… 2 for one plant! xD

  2. Have you thought about selling the cuttings to other conservationists? Not commercial but people in whom you trust. I get you want to control the seed you did all the work and you should be rewarded, you deserve that. But if you're really interested in saving and putting the bio diversity back into the food supply the more people you have growing this variety the faster it goes to market.

  3. Been looking everywhere for old seeds, now that you have this series. Just haven't found any more that a few years old. If I found then, I think I would send them to you. I would be afraid of losing them all. Great job. Thanks for the update.

  4. In theory,
    When Miss Bee scrapes her pollen into the flower that she picked up down the street from the Big box store Vfn6778 plant,
    Won't the seeds from your old plant be a Hybrid ?

  5. Thanks for the update, love to watch you videos….I tried this with some seeds I have here that are over 40 years old, some sprouted but just did not set a plant…but I did not use the whole seed packet, so I can try again one day. Thanks!

  6. Well it's about a year later. What are your plans for this plant/seeds? Will you be planting several this year? How was production? Was it worth it? Did you get enough seeds last year to grown enough plants for this year? What recipes did you use to eat them and how did you feel they best accented your food? Was it good for making salad? Spaghetti sauce? Salsa? ETC. Updates man! We need an update! LOL 😛

  7. what sucks is it ever since you posted was there a lot of people posting fake listings for crimson giant tomato seeds online and scamming people out of money for them. It sucks that people try to take advantage of others like that.

  8. Oh my God, Luke! I’ve just recently started binge watching your channel and came across the “saga of the Giant Crimson tomato!” It’s amazing and you deserve praise for bringing it back from extinction! Keep up the great work! I’m looking forward to getting my own seeds of the Giant Crimson tomato once they become available.

  9. I’m SOOOOOO glad that the universe smiled on me and led me to the first video in this series. I didn’t know it was a series. I wish you’d numbered them. Maybe you have them in order on a playlist. I’ll go check! I just watched one out of order and my tears would’ve filled any ocean.

  10. so exciting that this was the start of the seed saving journey! ordered the seeds today, so extremely proud of you – cheers to many more amazing achievements ahead ☺️

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