June 8, 2024

VIDEO: CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!

Cucumbers are a great refreshing snack to have on a hot day, and they are also easy to grow.Their are a few things that can make the difference for you between getting a few cucumbers and getting an abundant harvest. If you want to grow productive cucumbers, this is everything you need to know.

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BLACKBERRIES! Everything You Need To Know: https://youtu.be/aKwKbx3T8Xw

5 Year Old PERENNIAL FOOD FOREST: https://youtu.be/58Ys2gL40Xo

5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: https://youtu.be/7-Tyz7fGeZo

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!

  1. There is a yellow variety that I grow called Poona Kheera, they are awesome and taste amazing. Plus they have that factor that they look nothing like what you would find at the grocery stores.

  2. I planted some white wonders. Idk how I'll be able to tell if they are on there too long. So far I think I've been picking them a day or two early. They didn't break off as easy as you showed here.

  3. I like the look of disbelief when I hand someone that's used to grocery store garbage a garden fresh cucumber with the prickles still on. It's as though it came from outer space.

  4. I think in England we only call slicing cucumbers "cucumber" – your pickling cucumbers look like what we would call gherkins. We also don't have zucchini – we call them courgettes, and egg plants is what we call aubergine. And we don't have cilantro either – we call it coriander. I often wonder where the American names for vegetables and herbs came from – maybe it was other languages spoken by American immigrants who were not English speakers originally, absorbed into the language? I only have one cucumber plant this year – it looks healthy but it hasn't flowered yet – so no idea whether it is going to produce or not – fingers crossed!

  5. My dog has eaten everything I tried to grow this year! The watermelon plants made her sick, and she still tries to pull and dig at them. How can I discourage her from destroying my projects?

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