June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How to Save your Potato Crop if you get Blight

Potato blight can cause a huge problem by destroying your crops if you let it run its course. This video shows you what to do at 2 different stages if you have blight. Useful links:

Growing potatoes the lazy way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk0vhqSarYU

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My name is Huw Richards, I live in Wales, UK and I am a teenager who loves vegetable gardening. Unusual right? I love to teach people around the world about growing their own food organically and my end goal is to get as many children as possible to have the experience of growing food which I believe is one of the most important things a child could learn. If you’re new to HuwsNursery then please hit that subscribe button (and also notifications) so you can learn more about growing your own food inexpensively 🙂

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Save your Potato Crop if you get Blight

  1. could you please advise the best way to store potatoes, and how long they will be ok stored? thanks for your great videos, I really enjoy all the info you give us

  2. We live in Southeast Texas-Nacogdoches, to be exact. It rains frequently here. Mold is a problem we have es to watch for. A friend of ours is preparing seed potatoes to plant, but they have spots of white mold on them. This friend told me that these are ok to plant. Is that true? I would hate to see them ruin their crop.

  3. my leaves are turning a bit brown here and there on my potato plants which are in potato grow bags. Can this also mean not enough watering? we did have some dry weather recently

  4. Hi Huw, I've started growing potatoes in a sack, Planted them in mid March this year. The sack is practically full to the rim but it has not started to flower yet. Last week i noticed aphids on the leaves (i think i caught them early) and used a washing iquid solution to treat them. It's done the job well. Yesterday i noticed browning leaves and i'm pretty sure it is blight.
    As the crops haven't flowered yet does this mean they are all inedible? is their anyway of saving this?

    (P.S i bought your veg in one bed book without previously looking into your work so it was lovely to see your video first when searching resolutions. )

    Many Thanks,

  5. Hi, first year growing potatoes and I was waiting for them to flower to harvest. Mine are in potato containers but it has been especially wet and rainy thanks to storms in the gulf and it’s hot and humid. This morning I checked and I have a few leaves with brown spots. My foliage is really healthy otherwise. And I have 4 containers. Only one is showing spots. I don’t know what to do, should I cut them all back or wait and see if more signs appear?

  6. Iv'e just noticed what I think is blight.Brown patches on some leaves. The whole plant is a bit yellow as well not like my other potato plants. These are vivaldi and are the only ones affected. Planted mid march so close to harvest for second earlies. There are only two in containers. Do I have to cut away folliage and leave them 2 weeks. Or could I just lift them now? I have felt around under surface and found a smallish nice looking potato.Hopefully there will be a lot more bigger ones deeper down. I am in South Wales by the way.

  7. If you have cut your foliage down to remove the blight and leave the potatoes for two weeks can you reuse the compost they were grown in? Very useful video. Many thanks.

  8. Thanks, so much for sharing. Finding helpful information on this topic is very difficult. Most people tell you to remove any affected plants, but this has never been helpful to me. I have grown potatoes off and on for a total of 3 or 4 years and every year they have gotten blight. They seem to get it well before the tubers are sufficiently formed and I ultimately end up with no harvest. I'm glad to know that there are potential options.

  9. Hi Huw, do you have a video about tomato blight? I've just dug up all my tomato plants as they were severely affected by blight. I've been working long hours recently and hadn't managed to keep on top of things in the garden and now I'm concerned that I should have got them out sooner. What do I do with the soil? Do I need to dig it over to get all the roots out? I had french beans growing right next to some of the plants, will they be ok?. As the spores travel, should I refrain from putting anything on my compost?
    Hope you can help!

  10. Blight has hit quick over the last few days so I'm cutting off all the foliage on my precious king edwards today. I know there are some decent sized potatoes in the ground because I lifted a couple of plants and I want to save the rest of them. Your information is better than anything I've read so far. So glad I found this video

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