March 28, 2025

VIDEO: 3 Tips to Controlling & Preventing Tomato Hornworm Organically

Preventing tomato hornworm is simple, quick, and something that many gardeners encounter with their tomatoes.
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Tips to Controlling & Preventing Tomato Hornworm Organically

  1. I just found 5 of them across my cherry tomatoes and pepper plants. Overnight just 1 of these completely devoured and stripped it bare of all its leaves top to bottom

  2. First time I encountered one of these things I thought I'd been teleported into some strange insectoid version of Jurassic Park. I had no idea caterpillars could be so freaking huge. (though I guess there are probably some that are much bigger, probably in the warmer climates)

  3. Find them, pick them, then leave them AWAY from the plant in a conspicuous spot for local BIRDS to help peak their appetites! Nature will do the rest w/o corproatist chemicals.

  4. I did a test on the worms with cayenne powder and they ate all of it..then I heared garlic powder…they ate all of it..but they did start eating each other..maybe cause they cant stop eating or needed to chill the cayanne pepper…rather way I dont think those methods worked..

  5. I picked two off of them the plants killed him with my shoe and I put diatomaceous earth sprinkled it on food grade diatomaceous earth and I haven’t had any more problems

  6. thanks – i have no idea how these guys got into my garden as its a small patch in an urban environment. bacillus thuringiensis seems to have done the trick, along with picking them up with my hands.

  7. I have had perfectly round holes in my tomatoes to the point I rarely have one I can keep. I have leaves. But today I saw my first hornworm with the white eggs on it and cannot see any others. Could that one hornworm be doing this?

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