the sustainable food forest is still bringing in big gardening harvests! This system works with nature to achieve a high quality sustainable and productive yield week after week. Gardening doesn’t have to be hard, and our food doesn’t have to be sprayed.
CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!
Another great video – I planted asparagus from seed this spring – got to wait a few years before I will get my first harvest but looking forward to it! How old is your asparagus crown/plant? X
I cannot tell what you are saying sometimes. For ex., name of the flower after you showed Echinacea? It looks sorta like asparagus.
Hey brother James how much land is in your food forest
I know my garden has been doing fairly well – hope to harvest some squash soon. Come check it out if you want – especially compared to the start of the year.
nice up boss, im gettin ready for fall too.
Food everywhere!
Awesome, thanks.
where are you located?
where are you located?
where are you located?
where are you located?
where are you located?
Thank you for another amazing video James…you are making a huge difference in our world…God is amazing in what He does in nature and allowing us to work with her!
What part of NJ are you in, I am in North part.
Do you have rodent problems with all the food available to them? Does your little dog rat? Do you have cats? Where I live rodents will attract snakes, including rattlesnakes, which can be esp. dangerous in areas with a lot of growth so you can't see them until you step on or disturb them.
Was that corn, or sorgum under the mulberry tree?
In my country we don't get raspberries and strawberries. Thanks for sharing
Do you use worm compose on your plants?
Hi James is it possible to erect some sort of wire support to hold up your raspberry plants as we often do here in the UK, that would probably keep your fruit off the ground. lovely crop.
I'm surprised I don't see figs….
Awesome man
We use the grape leaves in cooking lunch and dinner dishes. Loaded with vitamins and flavor
Do you ever use organic fertilisers and pesticides? I've tried many times with squashes and cucumbers etc and always have mildew on the leaves.
I am drooling as you pick and eat
Those grapes are off the hook.
Do you ever do recipe videos? I would love to see what you make with all this food!
The volume seems very low on this video.
There's only one acceptable vegetable parm, and that's eggplant parm! LOL