September 28, 2024

VIDEO: The Evolution of Green City Acres – My Story – Part 3

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June 18-22, 2018 – Hemmingford, QC:
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Oct 15-19, 2018 – Selmer, TN –

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
Everything in one place:
Paper Pot Transplanter:
Caterpillar tunnel:
Quick Cut Greens Harvester:
Knife and Tool Sharpener:
Jang Seeder:
Row Bags:
Insect Netting:
The Coolbot | $20 off!:

Music by: Biocratic –

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Evolution of Green City Acres – My Story – Part 3

  1. Three excellent vlogs! It's always interesting to hear someone's 'how I got started' story, even more so when they are actually baring their soul. Hearing your honesty and humility is refreshing! Too often today, people seek to minimize their mistakes, hide their faults, make excuses or blame others for their problems. You made faulty moves in the beginning and along the way, but you were thoughtful enough, self-aware enough, to figure out appropriate course corrections. And here you are, 8 years later, a husband, a father, a property owner, a grower, an author, a vlogger, an employer, a productive member of your community, and I assume you still play a bit of music. Not bad, Curtis! Your story should inspire many folks, and not just beginning growers. Thanks for sharing!

  2. These three videos can be boiled down to one sentence that Curtis said. "I need to make a living at it first of all"  Hobby is hobby. Business is business and Profit is the difference. You got to know what your bottom line is and whether you are where you need to be or not. Success comes from smart work and good decisions. It took me way too long to learn that.

  3. in this video you mention abandoning plots that are two far away. Now that the plot is all dug up and the grass removed, do you have any restoration program for these peoples yards?

  4. Part 1, 2, and 3 were all so helpful. This is not exactly my story but almost. I've always wanted to farm but not having been born into it meant that I let people talk me out of trying and now I've got an MA in history (which I love as well) but it hasn't been the path I thought it would be. I'm 28 now and you, JM, and others like you guys have given me the motivation to go for it. I'm obligated to remain in the UK for another two years before I can return to Canada and start my own market garden, but I'll spend the next two years researching and getting whatever experience I can to prepare myself. Thanks for all you do. I've only just discovered your channel a week ago, but am 70% the way through your videos, which have been amazingly impactful and helpful. Thank you!

  5. HI Curtis, as a beginner would you suggest I sell plants I start from seed (transplants) the first season since my ground is not ready go and I don't have things in place yet. I am really trying to figure out where to begin. I want to make sure I can grow something from seed before buying up a bunch of equipment. I do have land separate from my house, which is about 3 miles away but there is not a water source there. I thought about putting in a roof top rain catchment system there, but again I want to make sure I am going to be able to grow something before buying big equipment such as; a greenhouse, rain catchment system, compost system, etc. It sounds like education is the key. Thank you for your information and input….Dana

  6. Ohhhh Curtis, After watching this series of three videos that lays out the evolution of your journey, I have quickly realized that my story, at least the part of it that deals with my 'awakening' and my concerns for world events, and the direction we are headed, as a people, is the same as yours, I have searched and searched and searched for the path that is the right path for me. I am certain that I have finally found it, especially after acquiring a new family, My awakening began around the same time as yours and I have been preparing for the inevitable since. I have done so under circumstances that have been restricted to a large degree. The one advantage I will have over you is that I have ten acres of land paid for and can scale this to whatever degree I want, while having everything centralized, logistically. As I said, our beginnings were very much the same. Hopefully, my story will play out much like your own. I can't believe it has taken me this long to find you on here, but I am so very thankful that I did. Great work friend and please don't stop putting out the content, at least until I learn all I need to know about getting going next year, Thanks again…. great story…..great stuff,

  7. I live in a huge agricultural area. Do you think the concepts of urban farming would work in this type of area? My thought is, it would because the ag is production based and most things are picked early for shipping and storage. However, this is just my hypothesis and if you have time I would like a more experienced opinion. Thanks for your videos and time!

  8. Curtis, your analysis of customers is spot on: your most demanding customers spend the least amount of money in proportion to the time you give them. I noticed this when I was a retail pharmacist earlier in my career. Getting rid of our top 5% complainers actually made more time for other customers who really needed the help.

    We're about to embark on our first year of farming, so thanks for your series of videos. We're going to start with only a few crops, hard neck garlic being one of them. I've actually got to spend some money on infrastructure, so starting low and going slow makes sense for both of us.

    Good luck, your hard work and your contrubitions to YT is appreciated by more people than you know.

  9. Three months ago we bought a piece of land that has a five-acre space and I am now trying to plan a 2-1/2 farm your book has been priceless. Thank you for that. You said something in this video about a crop that was wiped out because of weather. Is there crop insurance? 30K is a lot of money. It isn't anything I hear anyone talking about is how do you protect your business. I know about workers compensation, and I am learning about other types of insurance for equipment but nothing on production

  10. Your super smart and I enjoy learning from you. It’s nice to know that someone else sees things the way I do or at least similar. I enjoy the tips and I am just going to take the motto of I am going to do my best and see how it goes. If goes great awesome if not switch it up nothing ever stays the same change is necessary for success.

  11. There's a reason the best greens growers in the world, use hydroponics to grow greens. Less…everything. Labor, expenses on and on.

  12. This sort of content is really valuable for younger people, they'll definitely make their own mistakes, but hopefully you can help them avoid some too. Thanks for making this.

  13. Please can you give a wannabe farmer like me some advice on how to pack as much compost and nutrient value per unit of volume ? I'd like to be able to make compost, stash / press it in cubes but I don't know if this is a good way to pack value in tight spaces. I see for example that one kilo of compost is worth about 1.2 GBP so I'd like to have as much packed as possible then hydrate it and crush it to aerate when I need it. Is that reasonable ? Thanks

  14. Curtis when you drop a plot do you have to return the plot back to a grass lawn? I ask because I want to farm some people's lawns, but I'm afraid if it doesn't work what happens afterwards.

  15. Love video! I currently own my own business and have for 20 years. In our business we have gone full circle and it seems like you have to. Sometimes you have to to realize what is important in the business and in your personal life. I can totally see where you came from and where you're going. It seems like this video could relate to a lot of things in life. I also like the 80/20 rule that was great info and so true! I am glad for you and hope good things come.

  16. Solving your own problems, and share the solutions to others.
    That's one way to solve the world problems.
    You did so well in your farm, and giving us the knowledge like friend to friend. We're so thankful for that.
    Love from ID.

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