June 7, 2024

VIDEO: DAD GOES TO WORK: last day before working away from home

Ian is off to work. He got the call, and is leaving to start his winter season. Whenever he goes off for his shift work, we don’t have a solid date for when he will come back. We are hoping to see him home before Christmas, but if he works straight to Christmas, we will also be in a position to take off time in the summer again, so, its a toss up.

On our last day in town, we do some of Lia’s favorite things. We walk downtown and go to her favorite restaurant, Cactus Club (she like the loud dance music and the busy full restaurant). The kids get one last daddy play, and then Ian is off before they get up in the morning. Do the kids mind Ian leaving? Not too much, though the pancakes will be missed, lol.

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