The Backyard Permaculture Food Forest is lush and healthy at this time of year. Gardening with permaculture techniques like these will allow you to grow your food sustainably and as naturally as possible. This form of gardening is as close to natural farming as you can get in a suburban setting while also getting high production.
Lawn to FOOD FOREST In 5 Years, Natural Farming Permaculture Gardening:
You have a nice garden. It's a dream having that kind of organic produce. Healthy when you grow your food yourself.And it's therapeutic just being in the garden.
Great video. Do you let vining plants such as cucumbers grow up your fruit trees?
You have a beautiful garden
What kind of cuke is the one you said was hiding?
enjoyed ur forest hope to have my back yard looking the same…..1 question . when u first started how did u get rid of the grass garden began with raised wooden beds then I realised it was cost too much & didn't have enough room for more crops I wanted to try so any suggestion would be great…. thanks mate peter ,lake macquarie australia
Great job.
12:48 in, you mention pruning that tree. May not want to do that till spring. Frost will hit those tender new shoots and you could end up with damage and disease . Let it harden off.
Your garden looks great. How size is it?
Love hanging out with you James..the garden is perfection
Might check the grapevine, looks like you have grape leaf skeletonizers
Thanks For The Information
Awesome job on your food forest. I am a property manager in South Jersey and have completely embraced the permaculture philosophy. I am converting all of my landscaping design as we speak. Especially love how you are located in Jersey it is nice to know everything you grow I can do as well. I am looking more closely into nitrogen fixers! Let's link up would love to tap your brain and support each other!
Such an informative website. Thank you for sharing.
try making eggplant bacon
Extra food! THINK of others
tooo many "me"s
It's just so beautiful!!!
4:58 looks like you have cucumbers growing on trees.
And that holy basil looks great, bet it smells SO strong
You seem like a really good person
James, are you taken? I'm not betrothed. You are one gorgeous hunk of a man!
I would love to start something like this! Do you solely rely on rains in New Jersey or do you have an irrigation system in place?
You inspire me to grow more!
Hey James, this is fantastic! We're a tree planting search engine, we use the profits we generate from ad revenue to finance reforestation and sustainable agroforestry projects around the world's biodiversity hotspots – we use some similar techniques in our projects and it's great to see this on a local suburban setting as you've said!
awesome food forrest, i have a dog just like TUk he acts just like him
At the end of season and stuff dies do you just cover it with mulch or do you take it to a compost pile
I know your video over a year old, but I can't believe you are growing watermelon in Sept. Cool. How was the watermelon btw? did it ripen?
Have you done mushrooms in your garden
Love this and looks great but unfortunately with poisonous snakes in my area, this wouldn't be a good idea.
do you ever give tours of your food forest?