March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Is Organic Food a Scam?

This video on whether the production of organic food is a scam/lie or at best a big waste of money is in response to a video I saw produced by Prager Unervisity and narrated by Bjorn Lomborg called “Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?”, which practically argues that the whole organic food industry is fake and the only reason people buy organic goods is due to clever marketing by those in the organic food industry.

The original video is here:

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is Organic Food a Scam?

  1. My only issue with a lot of organic farming is the weird instant hate for anything containing GMOs. This technology, when properly used, will increase yield and decrease the need for pesticides

  2. Organic food, as a rule, is great… but what the greedy, corporates idiots (like Whole Foods Markets, Natural Grocers, General Mills, etc) do with it IS a scam. They label packages of grain foods as "no cholesterol" or packages of meat as "gluten free." OF COURSE THEY ARE… cholesterol ONLY comes from meat and other animal by-products… gluten ONLY comes from grain. THIS is the scam (or one of them, at least). Another "scam" is to charge more for the "organic" foods… They cost the same (or less) to grow than the non-organic alternatives… but they want to act like there's something really special about their products and charge triple the amount. No, there's no difference in the nutritional values but that's NOT what organic growing is about…

  3. It wouldnt suprise me if there were 20 deaths per year from pissed off chickens. There are a lot of people in the world.

    Any way, theres alot to improve on across the board, but thinking every thing organic is good and everything conventionally grown is bad is quite silly.
    If anything support small farmers before buying organic

  4. Nobody ever said it was about nutritional value, its about the difference in PESTICIDES and chemicals used on them. Typical liars in the chemical industry trying to misdirect people.

  5. Conventional farming is in a never ending arms race with pests and diseases. Every move from one side provokes an aggressive response in the other, stronger chemicals, stronger pests, on and on. No good comes of this. It's not a sustainable position. Mere mortals can only bend nature to our will so far. After that nature bitch-slaps us.

  6. Oh! I am so glad to hear you are a PragerU watcher as well! It seems that being “self sustaining/ organic” interested, we must fill in other prescribed boxes.
    Thanks for being a complex and caring dude!

  7. Best is always what you can grow yourself. Then I usually go for local and then organic. Because flying some organic produce around the globe sort of defies the purpose of being good for the environment…
    In my opinion, the scam in organic is not in the actual growing but in the inflated prices for organic produce at supermarkets and the like. I don't think organic farmers are being paid what they should be – and they take much higher risks with their crop because they can't use chemical defense against plagues and such.

  8. Its sad to see how often Universitys/Professors are just bought by the industrys…
    I mean this is the typical game of putting some true informations and numbers in a new Context, to "proove" anything you want, published by a University makes it seem impartial and legitimate (how it should be).
    I guess a lot of People who watched that video do belive that, and buy commercial Food now, where they were buing organic food before. And thats really a shame…

  9. Generally there is nothing wrong with growing your own food organically. The cost to citi-zens urban food buyers might not be worth the cost. To keep the organic prices high, they do route organic food to normal channels to keep the supply low. So your regular feed might be organic. Its a valuable argument to be discussed. There was a significant study showing chemical spraying (surface) prevents the plant from being stressed and making much more of its own pesticide. The spectrum of natural/man made pesticide have the same** toxicity.

  10. I think the 20 deaths can be viewed as a statistical anomaly. It doesn't matter which one is chosen. Limited pesticides is fine, and a diversity of opinion and execution is excellent.

  11. Hello Mark, I've been watching your videos and am learning from them. However i am well read and have been gardening 90% of my 72 years. I would like to give you a good Pain Medication that grows wild all over the USA, and probably where you are also. It is a legal plant to have near you. This plant is called Wild lettuce. Here is how to prep it into a Pain Medicine After harvesting enough of the plant wash it to get rid if sand and dust. Cut the leaves and stems into small pieces cover it with water and cook it on your lowest heat setting until the leaves have been cooked throughly strain the broth off and squeeze the cooked leaves and stems till there's no longer any liquid in them. You may drink this broth straight as it is or you can add a sweetener and other good tasting juices. You can trust me this tea tastes Yuk, Yuk gross bad etc. but this is an organic way to get a pain reliever (and it does work). Jessie from Arkansas USA

  12. Organic food is a scam, When I say that I don't mean food bought at a farmers market or raised in your back yard. I mean on the grocery store shelves, Examples: Organic milk has to be pasteurized its the law, when you pasteurize any thing you are boiling it, straining it, and cooling it down at a rapid speed, then factor in water added, and other stuff added to give its flavor back, organic milk doesn't exist, Organic orange juice even though oranges can be raised without insecticides, they are generally shipped in a truck that has a motor running that shoots carbon dioxide and other chemicals up in to the trailer to speed up ripening process. Thats just a few items, But on a wider scope, The FDA says to be considered organic a food can have up to 5 percent foreign matter in each which can be any thing from rat droppings to chemicals to promote a shelf life or add flavor, to be consider 100 percent organic an Item can have up to 100 percent salt add to it, because salt along with a lot of other preservatives are considered organic, So your often paying one heck of a mark up for something that is no more healthier for you than every thing else, some times even worse. As for college studys they are also a scam, When a study is done it is often paid for by some one. If colleges didn't produce results acceptable to who ever funds them, they'll lose funding. Colleges are very bias. Organic or non organic isn't the real issue, Our food is over cleaned over sanitized and our farm lands are mineral depleted. No food is healthy bi the time it gets the the consumers, nor are they healthy at the source because that would require the farmers to leave the rocks in their fields, not use any insectacides, and to actually set their field on fire every few years.

  13. Actually, organic farming DOES yield more. The soil is not continuously poisoned which provides more fertility and higher yields year after year. Conventional farming may produce a higher crop for a season, but the soil becomes toxic and infertile.

  14. Great breakdown. I like PRAGER U as well, but I think they missed it badly in the vid you refer to. If we're talking about long-term success, I think it's all on the side of organic farming. I am amazed at the amount of fertilizer that you can self-produce with woodchip, nettel tea, gardener's liquid gold (urine) and kitchen scraps!

    Power on, Mark! Many thanks.

  15. Make sure they eat organic food. Look into "Atrazine – Tyrone Hayes" it's an herbicide that has bee used for the last 50 years. 80 million pounds of Atrazine are used a year. This has led to the environment being so saturated with Atrazine that now, 500,000 lbs of Atrazine comes down in rain fall each year in the USA.

    Atrazine is an indocrine blocker . It turns males into females by blocking male testosterone. Dr Hayes was able to turn a male frog into an offspring producing female frog with ONLY 3% of what the US government allows to be used in food, and landscaping. It was banned in the EU but no one else is banning Atrazine. I believe it is the reason for so many trans

  16. I think you may have missed his original comment on the apple response. They seem to be stating that organic foods are lower in calories, not lower in artificial chemicals, which is the primary difference in organics, correct? no actual nutritional difference from the food itself.

  17. Organic is chemical free that has caused deaths of beneficial insects etc. cancer and other health problems in humans and all creatures. This man saying chemical foods do not harm has become illusionial

  18. To keep the two part part is a non argument. Each argument stand on its own legs and support it specific cause. So we can't just ignore the animal keeping of the part, that is part of it.

    Most of the pesticide is herbicide, not insecticides. Also antimicrobial, fungicide is fairly common. Non of them have a significant impact in animals, by design. Of cause, when using insecticide it does have as insignificant impact. But the farmers generally know when to use it to optimize what to kill and not to kill. Insects like bees are generally beneficial to farms, and that is simply solved by spraying with insecticide when bees are not about. The argument really assumes that farmers are stupid. Also this is not really a organic farming argument, because there are still some pesticide alowed with organic farming

    That there are people breaking the law is really not a god argument. And this really is not unique to non organic farming, so this is really a total non argument.

    "why do you think that they pay top dollar for Australian produce"
    Well the laws are very different, so that may be a reason. Again, this is not a good argument. This isn´t even a argument.

    That organic farming may be better in the future, is really not a good argument to buy it now. Now it turns from being actually better to be a crowd funding effort.

    The upping of potency is not really something that happened. This may have been a trend in the 30-tys and 40-tys, but not really today. its more about balancing what we got. Even for no norganic farmers, the availability of pesticide have actually decreased, not increased.

    The main benefit of nonorganic farming is not the slightly larger availability of pestecide, some of them are banned really only because of political reasons, for organic farms, not because of any logical reasons. The real diffrance is soil re-balancing. Something that is not really available for organic farming but getting better and better for each year for normal farming. Really commonly the "solution" to this problem have been virtually cheating. Loop fields in and out of organic farming. Yes there is a limit how fast that can be done, but there are workarounds. So this really makes this part of organic farming pretty much a scam.

  19. Absolutely nonsense trying to compare organic foods to non organic foods. Nutritional speaking might not be a massive difference between the two methods but taste and flavour of the two different ways of producing goes all the way to organic, or at least it should. The most important difference between the two is that growing fruit and vegetables with chemicals will kill the bees who are most important living creatures on Earth by simply pollinate all the plants around them. Eating vegetables grown on chemicals will affect our health on long term. Those studies are made over short periods of time from 1 apple to another so is not 100% with reality. Next we move to animal growth. Separate 2 chickens from the flock and keep them on chemicals feeds see what happens. They will grow faster being forced by those chemicals. Then move to step 2 which is to sacrifice them for meat. Open up the 2 animals who were raised on chemicals and you will see a massive difference between the organs inside them. The chemical ones will have a darker shade and colour in their organs and the texture of them will be like rotten. Then the difference between the protein in the meat is massive. Having an animal grow in an free range zone, on organic foods will take longer than 10 weeks( for the chickens) before they will get to the right weight before they will get sacrificed for meat. You can't expect a chicken to get nice and healthy in 10 weeks and to reach 2 to 3 kg in weight . They are pumped up just because they need to supply the market faster. When you confuse quantity with quality this is the result you will get. Is true that organic foods are more expensive and quite frankly this is not justified. Organic farms have to pay for labour but also the non organic farms do that. The reason why is more expensive is just because the organic foods are more healthier than the non organic ones. People should be encouraged to grow more organic foods as benefits for environment and mother nature.

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