June 28, 2024

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Blue Lake Climbing Green Beans

  1. Great harvest Lea and Al! I am amazed that you all are still getting this much from your garden this late in the year! This reminds me of picking beans all summer to make money for school clothes for the new school year. We would actually start with picking strawberries while the beans matured, them move to the bean fields. Our goal was 200 lbs. a day. The rows were 100s of feet long and there were 100s of rows. Kinda felt a little like prison! Thank God for my little transistor radio which made it all bearable!!!

  2. Thumbs up on the harvests Lea!! So was that the end of the garden until spring for y'all or is their still plants growing? Plan to make a lot of fried green tomatoes? Nice little okra harvest there too!! It'll be the end of the year break before ya know it heh!!
    Have a good'nnn

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