May 28, 2024

VIDEO: Back To Eden Food Forest, No Till Gardening

The back to Eden food forest is still producing high quality beyond organic produce. I say beyond organic because this style of gardening produces food that uses no sprays of any kind, this is as close to natural as you can get. I would call this high production natural farming. I am gardening and farming with nature.




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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back To Eden Food Forest, No Till Gardening

  1. Awesome garden! I have been working on my tiny garden for three years and your videos have inspired me to keep going and convert more of my backyard to food producing space.

  2. Really impressed the way this has grown over the past few seasons. Keep it up. Finally starting my own food forest today. First sheet mulch happened today. Any recommendation for bareroot fruit trees online?

  3. hai love your garden. what happen to your hand do be carefull. my daughter love your vedio to she said one day she want to go to your house and eat all the tometos. thank you.

  4. Being a first year gardener I am amazed how long a garden goes into Fall.. I still have a few things growing, tomatoes almost done but still producing. I look forward to learning what and when to start seedlings indoors..I was way off this year, am sure this made a difference. I also did nought realize how much room to give between plant and ended up overcrowding the 5pm commuter train..
    Thank you James for all that you do, your encouragement makes a huge impact on us all..

  5. I recently bought a hazelnut bush. But then found out that for pollination "it needs another bush of a different variety nearby"… Doh.
    Something that small scale growers should be aware of is the need of a pollenizer for their treasured plant.

  6. Hey man, love what you do! I am just starting out with permaculture. I just moved into my new home, and starting trying to improve my soil. I'm subbed. How big is your lot, if you don't mind me asking?

  7. Been enjoying your vids, man! Finally subscribed. I really dig your style and philosophy, and I'm looking forward to implementing them in my own lot soon.  Those mulching techniques are really going to help over here in Southern California, where watering and soil moisture is always an issue.  Been growing my own veggies for awhile now, but the food forest is next level stuff.  Inspiring.  Keep it up, we'll be tuning in.  Whats up Tuck!

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