Perennial Organic Gardening is an investment! Most Gardeners plant mainly annuals, while this can be productive, it also can be a lot of work. I love planting annuals, but having a foundation of Perennials means more stability and good production with less work. In my Food Forest I blend both annuals and Perennials together for the best of both worlds. Let’s allow nature be the teacher
CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!
James, I love your videos! One critique I do have however is that your titles are getting a little repetitive. If YouTube didn't mark videos as watched, I wouldn't be quite sure which video is which.
Awesome video! Great point about the leaves being more consistent with a natural system than tons and tons of woodchips. We all have access to leaves and it's important to share that nature is abundant and any plant matter is good for the soil (and soul)
Great video again. Thank you. Entertaining and educational. It is amazing how you make it look so easy.
My cale and chard are still going strong, garlic is sprouting and the lettus bed is green. It is finally getting cold and rain! Yup three days now. Wwaiting for more deliveries of wood chip. I have a long way to go but man what a journey. My fruit trees are young so next spring I hope to see gree growth. I found an olive tree on the west side of the yard, didnt know it was there, and it produced! Must be first fruit or I would have noticed before. Your videos inspire me. Ohhh!! And James you will never guess what I did! Saw a vid on..cloning? Fruit trees..sort of. I have an old pear tree, nought doing so well and thought why nought. I took eight cuttings from small branches, rought up the end and put them in a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and perlite put them under lights, kepping them wet nought soaked and two on my scones? Sions?.. anyway..pushed out gree growt!! huh?
I wasnt sure if my bells would surive the cold so I potted them up and brought them in, now under shock much to learn. I thought eggplants were warm weather veg
What is your areas average temperature? Thinking of starting forest garden in northern europe but not sure how it would thrive here since the winters are so long. PS. Is the mushroom-network expensive?
James, can you do a grape pruning video and also explain how you got the grapes growing up the pergola and any other techniques you use? On youtube most all grape videos are about doing it the traditional way where the trunk is short and they reach out to the side on wiring. I am in France where grapes are grown everywhere for wine traditionally, but I want to grow mine up my pergola and maybe also some up a tree if that could work well also.
Another great visual effect. Thanks for the early morning smile. Have a great day. Best wishes Bob.
lookin good for a first frost, i get more diversity of life every year too.
Fun special effect at the beginning, James! I wonder if I can morph into Oscar or vice versa? LOL
I love how well these videos of yours are being produced. They are brilliant buddy. Keep them coming thick and fast. From across the pond.
Do you do compost and charcoal ash yearly?
I get a good feelin' , yaa
I'd like my backyard to look exactly like yours. Thanks for the inspiration James!
James this is another apple guy may be a good source for you
Thank you for another great video. Love that food forest. We're putting down wood chips and cardboard before doing a raised tunnel for the cold plants transplant. My husband had finally let me put woodchips down on his grass to grow food. He also had planted a Service Berry on front. what a progress. Keep encourage and start a new revolution.
Do you just plant in Radom places?
I'm in Philly, 7a zone. Thankfully we haven't had frost yet but it's coming. I still have peppers and tomatoes growing well.
You’re awesome! Glad to see another permaculturist out there! Keep up the great videos!
hey James. Great vid. Do you buy your bare root trees from an online store?
You added special effects! Your amazing videos are giving me more and more insight. Thank you!
That’s awesome I will definitely apply your apple mistake fix to my peach mistake in my garden this season, thank you.
after the growing season in the fall, do you chop and drop everything or do you remove some of the plant matter like tomatoes and raspberry branches?
Don’t you love the ego completely blinds you sometimes i bet that apple is gr8 you just don’t like to admit when you spend such a long time on some thing or money