June 8, 2024

VIDEO: 2 Methods of Comfrey Propagation

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My name is Huw Richards, I live in Wales, UK and I am a teenager who loves vegetable gardening. Unusual right? I love to teach people around the world about growing their own food organically and my end goal is to get as many children as possible to have the experience of growing food which I believe is one of the most important things a child could learn. If you’re new to HuwsNursery then please hit that subscribe button (and also notifications) so you can learn more about growing your own food inexpensively 🙂

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2 Methods of Comfrey Propagation

  1. Great video my man – hope Uni is working out well for you. Nice to see your videos back on the tube again. Just harvested my first 115 comfrey crowns from 300 seeds. 1000+ root cuttings and it's such an "all-rounder" herb with so many uses. If anyone is looking to buy some true comfrey root cuttings, just pm me if interested we ship worldwide. (Hope that's ok Huw?) If not I'll delete this post, but I have to make a crust xd.

    Have you tried placing those cuttings horizontal? they will produce on both ends, you can take them out and cut again, giving you two viable plants.

  2. I use bocking 14 too, used it for 4 years now. I have a big blue water container similar size to a water butt around 200 litres. I add chopped comfrey leaves in and add a bucket or so of water and let it rot down. The smell is pungent but plants love it. I add 1 to 10 ratio in a watering can so it looks like a weak tea doesnt have exact as long as it isnt too strong and too dark. Yo can even feed plants in greenhouse like toms, cucucumbers

  3. After many efforts I managed to acquire a comfrey plant. I look after it like my eyes. I see all your own videos that are amazing! Now I saw how to multiply the comfrey. Good and thank you very much.

  4. Do you ever have massive issues with slug damage or rust? I have brutal issues with both 🙁 only planted my comfrey this past season so i hope come spring they will grow strong and healthy but the slugs (i think its slugs) are doing awful damage to my comfrey patch….

  5. Are they easy to grow from seed? I was given seeds of symphytum officinale and I'm wondering when and how to sow them. Do I have to soak them before sowing? Anyone has any tips?

  6. I ordered some 2 months ago from the organic gardening catalogue, however i was sent the most pathetic small roots for nearly 2 quid each. Two havent grown and one died as it was so weak. Not happy! FYI for anyone else here from the uk… may be as well asking around for some root or buying on ebay.

  7. Easy but slower way to propagate: put 3-4 thick root cuttings (about 20mm diameter) in a 5 litre pot of good potting compost. Use the type of pot with several good sized drainage holes in the base. Stand it where you want comfrey to grow for a summer, keeping it well watered and using leaves as required to keep it under control. The comfrey will root into the soil through the holes in the pot. Towards the end of summer use a spade or long knife slipped under the pot to cut the roots. The rot segments left in the soil will shoot. Move the pot to the next location. By mid spring it should be possible to repeat the process… then again.. and again

  8. Thanks for the video. I did have a question. I'm fairly new to comfrey. When you cut three roots into sections to be planted again. How long can the root last before it needs to be planted. Or does it need to go back into three ground right away? Thank you.

  9. Lol. I dug up a brought home a wild plant over 10 years ago. Moved it about 5 years ago. Now it is all over the garden and yard. My friends chickens enjoy it when it gets mildew and I cut everything down.

    Would comfrey fertilizer make a good base for hydroponic food? I'm looking at having a small growop for wintertime.

  10. Brilliant! Thank you! I was dividing my 6 yr old comfrey today and was glad to see i did it right. Delighted they are going to establish easily.

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