March 8, 2025


Over the last 5 years the Food Forest has become my greatest teacher, and my greatest lessons have come in the form of mistakes. I hope that by sharing the mistakes I have made, you can avoid making the same ones in the future. And get your garden into production quicker.

Thanks for the kind words and support 😁🐕❤️


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→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK

→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant:

→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic:

→Row Cover:

→Neem Oil:

→Insect Netting:

→BT Spray for Brassicas:

→Pruners I use:

→Tomato Clips:

→Square Foot Gardening Book:

→My Boots





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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: My 4 BIGGEST Gardening MISTAKES!

  1. Thanks for bringing up the idea of bringing in organic material, rather than trying to build it "naturally." It's so important for us to remember that what we're doing is ultimately artificial, even though we are using nature as a model. The "forest" is mostly for us and our harvest. And realizing that is, oddly, part of the humility of it.

  2. Thank you James. I have watched many videos from different YouTubers but your sincerity and passion is a stand out. One of my favorite channels and I now tend to go back and rewatch your videos. You’re a wealth of information

  3. Wow. Thank you so much for this information. It was very informative. And thank you so much for sharing The names of the people that inspire you. I watch the video of Paul Gautschi, He really motivated and inspired me and brought me to tears the way he give God the glory. Uses scripture and wisdom to back it up. My husband and I just bought. A little less than 1 acre of land. We are trying to grow a garden. But our soil is Sandy And yellow. And I was getting discouraged until I saw your video. But I know in time that God will prosper us. Thank you so much. You have really been a blessing to my soul. And you put a charge in my spirit. To know that we can do all things through Christ. Keep doing. What you doing my brother God has placed purpose in your life.

    Proverbs 24:13-14

  4. You are a lord brus.. from aussie to american.. i feel your style and humbleness (if thats a word).. Lawton and Mollison (RIP) are some of the greatest people to grace the permaculture world… much love for their mention.. will follow your channel to the fullest my permaculture brother.. all the best to your harvest in the future…

  5. Any tips in Wisconsin I'm just starting my Food Forest I've been doing research but I'm still kinda confused on a few things or maybe I'm just overwhelmed lol☺☺

  6. Hello James! Love your channel, enthusiasm, great tips, things we need to watch out for in our gardens. I love great teachers of the soil and planting food. I wish i could have a real farm some day. I am growing in containers. I do enjoy your videos, and will support it.

  7. Feeling super motivated to have dodged a lot of these bullets (my first year was spent building fencing, doing research, and missing the boat on tree planting since all were sold out). So even though I'm a noob, I got more hope for the future of this land than ever <3

  8. Absolutely great advice. So I have recently purchased 1 golden delicious apple tree. I live in northeast GA I believe I may end up grafting to mine as well. we have very high humidity in summer. But I didnt know this till I watched your video so thank you

  9. It’s interesting; while I see the concern about planting “boring grocery store varieties”, I see it another way: you are replacing your grocery bill. I am growing a lot of the stuff you can find at the store with the hopes of cutting down my grocery bill

  10. Thank you James.
    I too was new at planting trees so bought from a nursery that I had called and talked with the owner. When I questioned him about the trees, he was evasive. When I told him what kind of trees I wanted, he delivered just the opposite. Turns out he just wanted to get rid of overgrown stock that was prone to canker and disease. Being so inexperienced I accepted what he told me and was taken advantage of. As a result several of the trees died and others doing poorly because they were wrong for our area. After this, I will go to a larger, more reputable nursery to buy my stock. Like you, I’ve learned about the forest floor and health of the soil. Things will get better soon and looking forward to added chicken manure from our own chickens.

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