June 10, 2024

VIDEO: BRAKE LIGHT Potato Growing How to & Tips

This is a unique harvest and “how to” of brake light potatoes grown in a raised bed garden. We check out the harvest and go through several tips and tricks on how I grow potatoes and sometimes how I also break the rules! Thanks for watching and cheers 🙂

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: BRAKE LIGHT Potato Growing How to & Tips

  1. Mark, I love how you do your videos and your passion shines. I don't always follow the rules, I guess that is just me. If they do well, I will do it again and again, If they suffer I will try something different. I love growing potatoes. That is a nice variety.

  2. G'day mate. I have half an acre property on Russell island se Qld looking to grow some spuds in large quantities very soon. Are we coming up on a good time to plant? Also where do you get seed potatoes from that are organic in our area. Cheers mate.

  3. really enjoy your garden knowledge and wonder where is your (subtropic) location. I live in the South Eastern region zone of United States and find that most of your advise is relative to my areas growing season. Thanks for all you do…

  4. G'day Mark Thank you for your informative vids and dad jokes, you have helped turn a not so self sufficient he into a more self sufficent ME!

    I'm a 27 year old incapacitated ex serviceman on a pension from when I was in the ADF and I currently reside in the Moreton Bay Region, is there any chance my wife, 9 month old son and I could drive up and see first hand the wonders of your garden? It would mean a great deal for me and I would offer free labor before it gets too hot for the opportunity to meet you and see wht the dream actually looks like!

    -Kind regards


  5. I've always wanted to try to super crop potatoes but just haven't had time to build the planter. What you do is start the potato in a short bed and as the second or third branch forms you add a level to your planter and rebury the plant leaving about half the plant exposed and repeat this process as it grows and you will have every branch you buried making spuds.

  6. I like to grow potatoes in hessian sacks (or the proper potato grow bags) That way you can just roll the bag up to it is at it's full height as you fill it with compost and sugarcane mulch as the plant grows. Alot more potatoes in a smaller space. No need to take up space in garden beds. The other good thing is how easy they are to harvest. Just tip the bag onto a tarp, collect the potatoes an chuck the soil back in the compost.

  7. Bit confused . I live in WA so when IS the best time to plant potatoe seeds or shop bought spuds . It's the start of Feb now so should I plant them now do you think ? Thank you in advance and for your wealth of info – much appreciated . Cheers >>>

  8. I've read on other videos that you shouldn't wash them until you're ready to use them,and that they get sweeter if you store them for a few weeks,what do you think

  9. Be careful with "Ladybugs", as if you crush them to kill them, they put out a "pheromone" that attracts thousands of more Ladybugs. A friend of mine had a small veggie garden, right next to her house. She found Ladybugs, starting mashing them…..she went out of town for Memorial Day weekend, came back, and the entire inside of her house had MILLIONS of Ladybugs, covering every surface. She was traumatized…..had to call a professional exterminating service, who told her about the pheromones that attract more Ladybugs. They got rid of them all, by tenting her house, then vacuuming them all up.
    So, moral of true story….never smash a Ladybug…..they're mean!

  10. I thought we called them Pontiac potatoes in Aus! I love all your videos they are great! I love propagating so every time I cook with potatoes I usually choose the potatoes with eyes cut that little part of the potato and plant it. And voila soon after I end up with numerous potatoes. They even grow in plain mulch. Thanks again Mark

  11. Hi Mark! I've started growing sweet potatoes after watching your videos on repeat! But I wasn't sure if I could grow white potato in my climate. Since you grow in subtropics, maybe you'd know if they can be grown in Singapore? If so which month would be best? I'd likely use a potato grow bag.

  12. Thank you for all of the videos that you are putting out. They are very informative. I am wanting to grow our own potatoes and am wondering when the best time to grow potatoes is?

  13. Hello Mark, You've convinced me that these raised beds are one good way for me to be able to continue gardening. I'm 72 and I've had some kind of garden or other since i was 3 years old when I convinced my mother to let me plant my own garden (a spot about 3 ft. wide by 3 ft. long. I'm handicapped now with pinched nerves arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis so your raised beds will work for a electric riding cart. Jessie Arkansas USA

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