June 8, 2024

VIDEO: High Bionutrient Crop Production with Dan Kittredge Part 6

Dan Kittredge and the Bionutrient Food Association are on a mission to increase quality in the food supply through educating growers, raising awareness among consumers and conducting research on the nature of crop quality and the correlation between soil health, plant health and human health. In part 6, on day 2 of this workshop, explore insights on seed starting, seedling production, transplanting, foliar sprays and more.

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: High Bionutrient Crop Production with Dan Kittredge Part 6

  1. Conductivity tests are measured in milliSiemens. It measures how much food is available to your plant. If it is too cold for your soil biology, your plants will starve. Problem: If you have an Organic farm with lots of OM, your reading will be low. Too high might mean too many salts. Add humates.

  2. I just realised something about my onions too. Maybe 18 minutes in around there, Dan mentions an amazing onion patch and is talking about Intention. This year I had two people help me with putting in onion sets, last month they were harvested, during the growing season, I noticed that the beds I planted up looked much much better and put it down to the soil. Now Dan mentions that some people with negative energy are not good seeders or transplanters, it just clicked with me, that the onions a certain person put in, really didn't come to much:( thank you Dan, another nugget.

  3. You know that a blessing can change waters nature both in the soil and air and preform what you want, look at the holy fire of jerusalem.
    Calling and investing the communal spirit of the plant.

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