June 8, 2024

VIDEO: An Idea to Help you Find Land for Vegetable Gardening

Time and time again on my channel I get comments from people saying how much they wish they had land to grow their own food so I’ve decided to mention a potential method to overcome this. It won’t work for everyone but if it means one or two of you can start following your growing dreams then I would deem this video as a success.

Garden share Transition Towns: https://www.transitiontowntotnes.org/groups/food-group/gardenshare/

Music: http://soundcloud.com/darrenjclaxton

HuwsNursery Tool Sponsor: http://www.bulldogtools.co.uk/

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My name is Huw Richards, I live in Wales, UK and I am a teenager who loves vegetable gardening. Unusual right? I love to teach people around the world about growing their own food organically and my end goal is to get as many children as possible to have the experience of growing food which I believe is one of the most important things a child could learn. If you’re new to HuwsNursery then please hit that subscribe button (and also notifications) so you can learn more about growing your own food inexpensively 🙂

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: An Idea to Help you Find Land for Vegetable Gardening

  1. Hello Huw!!i live in Greece in a small vilage call Neapoli.Love your videos and your work.I love gardering and i am growing my own vegetables for my family all the year.I use my own seeds that my father and the other people give me.Also i use combost and nothing else.I want you to remember that your land will never betray you.It will always provide you with food and other plants as long as you treat it with love.
    Greetings from Greece

  2. Why do you use raised bed in read if plain land as you can have more land as you don't need paths. Just wondering as at my grandparents we have a very big allotment and I would like to know if raised beds would be better.i have a normal garden at home but the allotment is at my grandparents

  3. We have that here where I live that are called community gardens. They’re in different parts of the city and Their sponsored by the cities or towns and you get a patch of land and plant whatever your heart wants.All the plots usually get snatched up.

  4. Sounds suspiciously like communism Huw…. in all seriousness it's a fantastic idea and is similar to community supported agriculture schemes, just wish British people would be a little more open minded. I used to do this in London with our neighbours, but none of the English ones were interested sadly.

  5. Hold on let me see if I understood correctly I live in the USA and my dream is to someday live in the UK I’ve always loved It i love the cold and rain .Dont ask me why but I’ve always felt drawn to it.So if I want to buy a home with some land I can’t right away ? I have to be on a waiting list ? Is there some specific requirements to get a house with a land?

  6. I garden with a friend. She has a large yard and I live in an apartment, but I've been an avid gardener for many many years. So, I got up the nerve to ask her if she would be willing to share her yard. She was delighted. That was four years ago and we have an incredible garden. Lots of fruit trees and berries, lots of perennials, and all kinds of vegetables. It's wonderful to garden together, even though I do the bulk of the work. So, if you have a friend with a uard, don't be shy, ask.

  7. Ask neighbors if they would be willing to rent out a part of their section. Asking the local council as well could be another idea, sometimes health centers have community gardens too. Sometimes small continuities have facebook pages where you can buy or sell, consider asking on those pages.

  8. Only issue with that is being a home owner you risk if someone you allowed to be on your land, and say they break a leg somehow, or get hurt on your property, the HOMEOWNER is liable for that persons medical bills. Sure we have homeowners insurance for that, but in this day and age to many "sue happy" people. Personally that is not a risk I would take.

  9. My grandfather managed to do that through the 1960s and the way to late 1980s. He had a neighbour with a piece of land that wasn't being used, ended up asking him if he could use the land to farm, to which his neighbour said yes. He never asked for a percentage of the crops or the profit that my grandparents made out of selling the excess. They ended up becoming good friends.

    Love all your content, hope your keep sharing your knowledge with us.

    Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas,

    a viewer from Portugal.

  10. We did this with a friend. She has a huge side yard and we put up raised beds to grow veggies, and we pruned her multiple fruit trees and roses.

    In return we got roses, rose hips, herbs and fruit and only had to share some of our produce with her. It was pretty awesome.

  11. land in Ireland is a particularly difficult matter. we have a long history with land, it's a long story. my CSA is currently looking for land in the Dublin area but there would be no way to buy it.

  12. Great Idea. I did something very similar this summer. I do have a little vegetable garden but I don't have a lawn where I could "harvest" fine grass clippings as mulch for my beds. So I just went down my street and slipped little notes into my neighbours' letter boxes. Most of them did not reply but a hand ful now bring me their clippings anytime they mow their lawns. And I have the perfect mulch supply. 🙂

  13. Full of ideas, you are. Another informative idea from you for others to therorise on, cool. There are some things to consider…Try and get a garden with side, or bacck access. Has an outside tap. Or power point. Living in the beg smelly, I found that not all gardens have all three and they DO help. The leccy thing needs to be for the possible start-up work, but not absolute. The water might be metered, so a drain pipe idea could help there. And the side access is important to get to the meat of the work before and after your new friend wants to leave their bed to get to their door to let you in.

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