June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How To Propagate Christmas Cactus-100% Success

DAIZZ’S TIP:-Bend and break a Christmas cactus plant’s stem at a joint to remove a section containing two to five segments. A joint is where two stem segments meet, and each joint breaks easily. Christmas cactus has long stems with 3/4- to 1-inch-long segments.

Set the stem section on a paper towel in a dry place indoors, and leave it there for one or two days.

Mix equal portions of clean garden sand and a soil less seed-starting medium, blending the ingredients well. Fill almost all of an 8-inch-diameter or larger pot, which has bottom drainage holes, with the mixture, leaving 1 inch between the top of the mixture and the lip of the pot. Add water until the mixture, or potting medium, is damp.

Stick the bottom 1/2 to 1 inch of the Christmas cactus’ stem section into the center of the pot’s potting medium. The stem section’s bottom is the end that grew closest to the roots before you removed the stem portion from its parent plant. Press the potting medium around the stem section’s base, securing it in place.

Set the pot in indirect, bright light N Mist the stem section with water once each week. Water the potting medium when its top starts to dry out.
Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 https://soundcloud.com/fortythr33-43 Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b… Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/XER8Zg0ExKU

Happy Life by FREDJI https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/u4PI5p5bI9k

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Propagate Christmas Cactus-100% Success

  1. This was very useful, thank you, all of my cuttings rooted very well after about 3 weeks and they already have amazing new growth, but i want to know when will they bloom? Can they set buds this fall if they are babies?

  2. Do you have to separate the segments? I have a piece that broke off the mother plant while repotting and it has about six segments. If I plant the whole thing will it regrow roots? Thanks!

  3. Do I need to use your "soil" mixture or can I use a cactus, palm, and citrus soil in place of your soil? Thank you for your beautiful "how-to" video! I LOVE the muffin tin idea!

  4. Thank you for this! My family has a bunch of Christmas cactuses, but I recently discovered that mine was dying. It’s nearly 12 years old, so I’m hoping I can save it using this method.

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